*please follow instructions* Research Paper on AI, mental health, and environmental sustainability l

*Please use references that supports my thesis statement*
Organizing Your Final Paper – RESEARCH TRACK
The following preliminary pages precede the body of the research paper, in this order:
Title page
Table of Contents
List of Tables (if appropriate)
List of Illustrations (if appropriate)
The text (body of your paper) and additional pages follow in this order:
Title Page
The title summarizes the main idea of the paper, fully explanatory when standing alone. Recommended length 10-12 words. Examples:
The Effectiveness of a Support Group on Relieving Depression in the Elderly
The Impact of Adolescent Self-esteem on Peer Pressure
Incubator Babies: Effects on Attachment in Adult Development
All projects must have the following information centered on the title page in this order:
Title of Project
Author’s name
National University
Psychology 480 – Senior Project
Professor’s name
Refer to the Sample Papers
Note: Remember to insert the running head as your header onto your title page using the format: Running head: TITLE IN CAPS (Do not exceed 50 characters). Add the page number opposite the running head on your title page. Please use the insert function in your Word program to add the running head. DO NOT type it onto the page.
All abstracts must be double-spaced and the title should be simply Abstract. The abstract should be no more than 120 words. Do not bold the word Abstract.
Table of Contents
The table of contents (TOC) is designed for the convenience of the reader. It should include the abstract, major sections of the text, list of tables, illustrations, and/or symbols, as well as your references and appendices. Do not list the title page or table of contents in your TOC.
List of Tables, Illustrations, and/or Symbols
Each category is listed on a separate page. A separate page is created for Tables. Tables are not listed in the Table of Contents. See the Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed.) or Concise Rules of APA Style (6th ed.) for information regarding style and format.
The organization of the text will vary with the points you make about your subject matter. Repeat the title of your paper on the first line of text and begin your Background of the Study on the second line. Divide your paper according to the following main subheadings:
Table of Contents
The table of contents (TOC) is designed for the convenience of the reader. It should include the abstract, major sections of the text, list of tables, illustrations, and/or symbols, as well as your references and appendices. Do not list the title page or table of contents in your TOC.
List of Tables, Illustrations, and/or Symbols
Each category is listed on a separate page. A separate page is created for Tables. Tables are not listed in the Table of Contents. See the Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed.) or Concise Rules of APA Style (6th ed.) for information regarding style and format.
The organization of the text will vary with the points you make about your subject matter. Repeat the title of your paper on the first line of text and begin your Background of the Study on the second line. Divide your paper according to the following main subheadings:
Background of the Study: provide a brief history of the ideas and issues related to the research topic. This section should not be a review of the literature. 
Statement of the Problem: This section states the question(s) or problem you are investigating based on your review of the literature.
Definition of Terms: list of definitions for only those terms, which may be unfamiliar or vague to the reader. [Definitions need to be found in a Psychology Dictionary or peer-reviewed journal article. Cite and reference using proper APA style]
Limitations of the Study: describe limitations of the published research you reviewed.
Theoretical Framework: if the research relates to a specific theoretical orientation(s) provide an overview of those orientations and how it relates to the research.
Review of Literature: this is the heart of the project. The review of literature is not a series of reports of books or journal article. This section of the paper should be organized in such a way as to bring together the most important writings about the research topic. It should discuss each aspect of the topic in detail using more than one reference for each section. Each reference should be cited in your text and have a corresponding listing in the Reference section.
Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations: this section includes a discussion of the state of the current research in this subject area, any conclusions you reached after reading the literature, and your recommendations for further research.
Only those works cited in the text appear in the Reference section, and conversely every work in the Reference section must appear in the text. Make sure to properly cite all references. Note: Include 50 references in your paper. Do not bold the word References.
The main purpose of an appendix is to provide detailed information that would be distracting if presented in the text. Examples: a survey instrument or questionnaire, a data collection form. If you use 1 appendix, label: Appendix. If more than 1 appendix, label: Appendix A, B, C, etc.
Format for Text
Style: all projects must conform to APA style as described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that his/her project conforms to the proper format and style.
Margins: Standardized one inch margins are required on every page.
Line Spacing: Double spacing is required except where the style calls for single spacing. Widows (last line of a paragraph as the first line of the page) or orphans (a heading or the first line of a paragraph as the last line on a page) are not acceptable.
Grammar and Punctuation: One sentence paragraphs are unacceptable. Proper grammar and punctuation must be consistent throughout the paper.
Pagination: Every page should be counted in the numbering including your title page. Placement of page numbers must be consistent throughout and fit within the margins. Page numbers using Arabic numerals appear in the upper right edge of the paper, 1 inch from both the right edge and the top of the paper opposite the running head used as your header.
Typing the Manuscript: The project is expected to be the product of neat and careful work. The physical appearance must be immaculate and convey an impression of quality. Your manuscript must be prepared on a computer. All print must use Times New Roman font, 12 pt type.

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