Please respond to all 6 posts, (50 words or more each) NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Post 1: (50 words or more)


One of the most fundamental ethical principles of counseling is confidentiality, which ensures that clients can safely express themselves. It is consistent with the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics stating that Counselors have duties to safeguard a confidential relationship as an essential element of counseling. Confidentiality, is necessary to create trust between a client and counselor so that clients can share their intimate secrets and discuss their innermost feelings. In this debate, I will discuss a side that protects client’s confidentiality by adhering to all possible ways to maintain privacy even if there are legal demands. I believe this position is to consider that the integrity of the counseling relationship is not compromised and that the client’s rights are respected.

Defense of Position 2

Client confidentiality builds trust with the client, and trust allows the counseling relationship to form ethically and with genuine positive regard for the client. If clients fear that private information could be disclosed, they might not share important information, thus lessening the effectiveness of the therapeutic relationship. The ACA Code of Ethics states that ‘trust is the cornerstone of the counseling relationship’ and breaching confidentiality can break that trust.

Section B.1.c of the ACA Code of Ethics states: “The counselor has ethical obligation to protect the confidentiality of counseling, supervision, and research findings. This obligation applies to all professional contacts and relationships with clients or former clients. The counselor discloses confidential information only with the expressed written consent of the client or former client, except in situations of potential or actual serious harm to a client or others, when disclosure is required by law, when disclosure is required in court proceedings, or when disclosure is mandated by applicable federal, state, local, tribal, or institutional law or regulations, including statutory, contractual, and institutional obligations.” Disclosure should be avoided whenever legally possible, and if court orders try to force a breach, the counselor should comply only when absolutely necessary. Charging high fees to release notes could protect clients from unnecessary disclosure.

Counselors are only to share information as ordered by a court and are permitted to seek clarification as to its meaning, or else argue that the information requested is not relevant or necessary to be disclosed by the counselor. Putting a price tag on access to notes encourages slowing down and opposing proceedings that result in indiscriminate, frivolous or unjust requests to counselors for their clients’ information while providing counselors with time to consult with their lawyer, supervisor, and the client to resist a violation of their client’s right to confidential treatment.

Additionally, when discussing confidentiality, informed consent practices create an ethical responsibility to do more. It is the counseling professional’s ethical obligation to explain the limitations of confidentiality to prospective clients at the start of counseling. It is important that clients thoroughly informed of what they’re getting into before they decide whether they want proceed with therapy. By protecting client confidentiality, counselors are showing respect for clients and their autonomy. 

The main ethical consideration in defending Position 2 is non-maleficence or avoiding harm. Telling someone’s private information and is particularly unhelpful when it is not needed to move the legal case forward or is not directly relevant. It can cause a great deal of harm to clients emotionally and psychologically. This harm could take the form of being betrayed, losing trust in others, or other undesirable implications for their personal or professional lives.

Overall, while counselors are expected to uphold their legal and ethical duties to the profession their obligation should never be anything other than to promote their clients’ welfare and safeguard their confidentiality. Charging high note fees is one avenue for shielding clients from harm, giving counselors time to delay disclosure and seek alternatives.


Post 2: (50 words or more)


Counselors should take mesures including charging high fees for notes to protect their client’s confidentiality, no matter the reason. Counselors are ethically obligated to maintain confidentiality, the ACA Code of Ethicts, particulary Section B.1. emphasizes the importance of confidentiality being one of the most important ethical responsabilities of counselors. Confidentiality is the foundation for building trust in the therapeutical seccion, the simple act of providing confidentiality help clients feel protected when sharing sensitive information. Acording to the ACA Code of Ethics, maintgaining confidentiality fosters an enviroment where the clients can openly discuss their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or disclosure. Charging high fees for notes can serve as a protective step to prevent unauthorized access and protect the well-being of the clients. Counselors implementig a high fees for notes can better control who has access to potential sensitive information, like employers or legal entities.The act of charging high fees to obtain access to notes is supported by the ACA Codes of Ethicts Section B.2. that highlights that counselors should avoid harming clients, and maintaining stringent confidentiality practices, including financial barriers to accessing notes. This financial barriesr can also encourage client to be more responsible with their own confidentiality and emphasize the importance of saveguarding important sensitive information. By implementing mesures such as charing high fees for notes, counselors can safecguard sensitive information, enhance client trust, and create a culture that values confidentiality. 


Post 3: (50 words or more)


The Role of Conceptual Development in Research

Rozin asserts, “Premature advanced science limits innovativeness, is susceptible to generating research that has no specific target, and also closes the eyes of the field researchers to emerging significant phenomena.” The lack of conceptual clarity in research in fields such as psychology leads to the premature advancement of science (Bringmann et al., 2022). Research indicates that researchers such as psychological scientists support the finding that good research models are difficult to build when using bad data or concepts (Bringmannet al., 2022). Concepts may be measured in ways that are not valid or clearly defined. In this sense, faulted conceptual development does not define specific or valid concepts, leading to infeasible and invalid research problems. 

In addition, conceptual development is essential because it characterizes the concepts of the study themselves, which may be independent of measurement. For instance, phenomena such as anxiety are identifiable, describable, and can be conceptualized without considering how to measure anxiety. Bringmann et al. (2022) argue that conceptual development is necessary because concepts are the key research elements of data, methodology, research design, analytical instruments, and high-quality theories. Without the concepts, a research study lacks a solid foundation, which hampers its effectiveness. Conceptual development helps the researcher relate his study to theories, models, and other frameworks, which gives meaning to the research problem, as it can be related to established knowledge (Bringmann et al., 2022). The conceptual frameworks act as guidelines in data analysis, making it easier for researchers to make sense of the findings in systemic approaches. 

Literature Review

Literature reviews are part of empirical and conceptual research. They can also manifest as independent studies. Breslin & Gatrell (2023) assert that literature reviews are essential theorizing vehicles where the development of a research problem is regarded as a continuum from imaginative scholarly insights to mere explanations, models, and mature theories. The role of the literature review is key to clarifying and strengthening a research problem by laying out an existing body of knowledge, either based on empirical or theoretical findings. Evidence-based contributions involve creating, refining, or extending ideas or novel theories, which trigger new research pathways (Breslin & Gatrell, 2023). Based on the miner prospector continuum, reviews aid researchers spot deficits in current literary works, validating that their research presents original contributions to the field. In addition, analyzing earlier studies lets researchers clarify their questions, rendering them more accurate and easier to handle. 

By studying disparate theoretical views, findings, and methodologies, researchers may more successfully understand the reach and importance of their research. The prospector approach draws on evidence from different conceptual conclusions and study paradigms (Breslin & Gatrell, 2023). The continuum research studies enhance the location of reviews related to target study problem development while helping researchers support their works by articulating merits, risks, and the nature of their decisions (Breslin & Gatrell, 2023). Researchers may use past literature reviews to identify and articulate conceptual gaps byproblematizing past evidence and identifying scholarly contradictions. Prospective analysisof evidence from past studies helps develop new conceptualizations and narratives that shape the development of scholarly problem statements. Additionally, after identifying unfamiliaror unpredicted study problems or opportunities, researchers may explore the implications of their theoretical contributions to their current study interests. This is because current study editors may reject the problem statements that tap into unfamiliar issues. From this perspective, researchers who tap unfamiliar opportunities for research problems should use evidence-based reviews to inform the editors and convince them about the merits of the newly refined study problem. 


Post 4: (50 words or more)


Discuss how politics can influence the selection of research problems, especially as this relates to minority populations. 

 Politics is extremely important when selecting a study topic, particularly one involving minorities. Sometimes, government bodies and financial sources prioritize issues connected to their political agenda. For example, if the prevailing political party emphasizes health inequalities, funding for research into health concerns affecting minority populations may grow. This might cause researchers to focus on challenges that correspond with such goals while seeking funding. Furthermore, advocacy groups frequently lobby for research that brings to light concerns impacting minority communities. Their influence can direct researchers toward problems that are consistent with these lobbying activities, while other problems may lack policy visibility and are put on the back burner. Political representation of the minority group may influence whether pressing concerns for such people are adequately regarded as the right topics to study. When policymakers do not support the voices, researchers are less likely to do research that addresses those needs. Overall, when politics and science cross, how concerns raised by minority communities become apparent and hence prioritized is significantly influenced. These dynamics are crucial for researchers who hope that the problems they examine will be relevant or influential, allowing their work to meaningfully contribute to the needs of underrepresented populations.

Discuss the role of conceptual development in shaping and refining a research problem.

Research problems are identified and sharpened via conceptual development. This is my understanding on how it happens: Engaging with existing literature might occasionally assist a researcher in identifying knowledge gaps and refining their emphasis. This can occasionally highlight how a problem is appropriately and properly defined, with a foundation in established conceptualization theory. Concepts for research challenges are guided by theoretical frameworks. In actuality, a framework would determine the kind of research question to be answered, the methodology to be used, and the interpretation to be made of the findings. For instance, there may be differences in the problem definitions between a public health viewpoint and a social justice framework. The common groups of people who examine conceptual ideas include peers, mentors, and community stakeholders. This would help to clarify the issue under examination and make it more representative of the needs and experiences of the group under study.There is a range of interesting conceptual development experiences under multidisciplinary methods. 

In this sense, it is important to comprehend the politics surrounding conceptual development in order to fully realize the substance and applicability of the study concerns of interest in regard to minority groups. Political effects typically show up as financial priorities, advocacy, ethical issue standards, and representation. Thus, these dynamics shape the environment in which research is conducted and frequently shed light on or mask pertinent problems that those communities face. In addition, the process of generating ideas through literature reviews, theoretical frameworks, feedback loops, and an interdisciplinary approach guarantees that the problems to be addressed in the research are well defined and connected to the actual difficulties that the populations being studied face. The researchers are therefore free to conduct even more fruitful study, which not only addresses significant societal concerns but also gains from incorporating equality and equity itself into the research process. As they are projected through the voices and words of a variety of contributors in the text, research products that are both strong in academic terms and powerful in terms of social potent power makers for minority populations should result from careful attention to political context and conceptualization.


Monette, D., Sullivan, T.J., DeJong, C.R., & Hilton, T. (2014). Applied social research: A tool for the human services, (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Noyes, J., Booth, A., Moore, G., Flemming, K., Tunçalp, Ö., & Shakibazadeh, E. (2019). Synthesising quantitative and qualitative evidence to inform guidelines on complex interventions: clarifying the purposes, designs and outlining some methods. BMJ global health4(Suppl 1), e000893.


Post 5:


Talking about Adler’s idea on the order of birth, perhaps the most important adverse ideas in this

concept that the birth, that the order of birth, is one of the most important social facts of childhood, in terms of which we build our stuff. Brothers and sisters are children of the same parents who lives together in the same house, but the situations in which this day and are by no means always the same by rearing, placement, comparative impact, bribery or parental attitude, for a while, the firstborn enjoys existing privilege.

The parents delighted and labor from distress

and pregnancy, Donna, the firstborn generally gets the lion’s share of attention and care until the second child shows up. Firstborns who will be themselves a Detroit, the previous attention or care is no longer there, so firstborns tend to behave destructively under believed that all firstborns experience the familiar shock of their new status. Those who’ve been over and don’t suffer in better life. The

oldest firstborn child,

the older the firstborn child, the less shock does he feel his loss of position. This is what the most well developed, the most developmentally well balanced families, we often find the children’s space far apart. In my family, for example, my eldest brother was born when my parents were both in their early 20s. My brother was my mom’s only baby, and my father made into an eager parental leave. A second brother was not born. My second mother was born when my oldest brother was sick. My older brother did not seem negatively affected by the birth of my second oldest brother. He was curious about his baby brother. He told her the extra fast younger brother. My oldest brother became a teacher or guardian and even an occasional disciplinarian for his little brother. Second siblings never have the same amount of power as their first born counterpart, and even if another kid comes along, seconds do not feel unceded in the same way first born to do. They are also, at this point, much more likely to be faced two or more years of heart. So their relationships are not developmentally as similar parents are less or less scared and anxious about their own behavior and more relaxed the world. Competition from an older sibling might motivate the second home, who might be spared, to catch up and suppress the Bossy elder sibling, which helps the second to speak and move more quickly. There are also about the future and tend to be competitive and ambitious. My second born brother received an inordinate amount of attention from my parents. He had been sick so much as an infant, and in some years later, struggled with school because of a learning disability and neurological disorder, which left my parents being less strictly. The youngest or last born child is the favorite child, and mostly varied pampered, especially the older siblings are grown. Last borns always succeed in their responsible careers. In the family I come from, I was the youngest child, and my oldest brother was 17 years old at the time I was born, and my second oldest brother was 10 years old. My parents were almost reaching minimum age when I was born. I was born severely prematurely. I have health complications. This caused a lot of stress to my parents, and they spent a great amount, a great deal with him at the hospital. This is why my youngest brother had a major tantrum in shock that he felt he had lost his heart to be with a newborn baby. YouTube video didn’t blame me. Everything on me. The hospital counselor advised my parents to ask new doctors for permission so the youngest could go see me in the neonatal Well, my youngest brother saw how sick and tired I was his whole time I changed. He was totally invested in my care, especially after my parents brought me home. This youngest brother is now my close buddy, my protector, my advisor, and the closest one to me out of my two brothers, I felt that I have been most pampered among the cements and also most overachieved.


Post 6: (50 words or more)


which I found extremely fascinating, and I think for the most part, they are pretty accurate if a child grows up in a normal household. Unfortunately, I didn’t grow up in a normal household, so mine, I didn’t find correlated at all. But to begin, so Alder describes the eldest child

as more of a ruler and authoritative person.

They tend to follow the rules, and they become a position of authority to the younger siblings. Once the eldest child has the experience of a younger sibling being born, they feel like they have been dethroned. So they kind of chase that authority throughout their childhood, the middle born, they are motivated by competing with the older sibling. But if it’s a middle born and they’re competing with the older sibling, they have a high risk of becoming an underachiever. If their older sibling is excelling at something that the middle child is not able to catch up on, you can feel really discouraged and then become an underachiever. Middle children can also be peacemakers or negotiators. The youngest childhood are generally spoiled and high achievers trying to surpass their siblings. Again,

I am a youngest child. I

and if you ask my siblings, I am his spoiled youngest child who received all the positive attention that was not my experience in my childhood, though, I felt more neglected than anything else, and I don’t think I was pampered at all. According to elder’s birth order of the youngest child states that the youngest children who are pampered become helpless, independent. I was an extremely independent child. So that does make sense, because I was never pampered. But also I think that any child, no matter what their birth order, they’re pampered, they’re going to become helpless. Elder also states that the youngest children are high achievers and motivated to surpass their older siblings. I know for sure I was not a high achiever, achiever during my childhood, but during my adult life. That is different. For sure, I don’t believe that I ever experienced a feeling of needing to surpass my older siblings. As a child, I struggled in school and social aspects, according to alder, the states of the youngest child, children develop fast and are charming and sociable. That was not me at all. I was extremely shy and I did not talk to any of my peers at school. As an adult, that’s completely different. I’ve excelled in comparison to my siblings and in comparison to the average person, but I think that has way more to do with my adult life experiences than my birth order.

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