I attached my last paper that may be able to assist with this one.
Policy comparison and recommendation
The Policy Comparison and Recommendation will form the third and final part of the national security policy recommendation, which incorporates the results of both the PMESII and DIMEFIL assessments.
The purpose of the exercise is to compare the DIMEFIL and PMESII assessments and then determine what should be done next. In other words, you get to complete the process of using the PMESII construct and the DIMEFIL framework to analyze an issue from the enemy (PMESII) and friendly (DIMEFIL) perspectives to identify the capabilities of each side which serve as the basis for developing policy options to address the issue.
The idea is to use what you learned in your PMESII analysis of the opponentโs threat and what you learned about US capabilities with respect to that threat through your DIMEFIL analysis to compare them to one another and identify areas of mismatch that the US can both exploit (areas of strength) or protect/bolster (areas of weakness). These areas of mismatch become the basis for the two policies you will develop (i.e., TWO different ways the US could take advantage of its strengths while also protecting its weaknesses to achieve its policy objectives) and compare to recommend one or the other.
Spend about half of the paper on the comparison and about half of the paper on the recommendation. You will recommend two options and then choose one as the most likely to be effective.
I note also that you are not allowed to recommend a hybrid of the two policies you develop. The objectives for this paper are process-oriented and associated with the process of comparing two things and recommending one of them, meaning that you are to present an objective comparison and logical recommendation based upon and supported by the results of your comparison, NOT to develop an optimal policy for this issue, so pick one of the recommendations.
Assignment Instructions
Using the results of your PMESII assessment of the enemy aspects of the national security issue you addressed and the results of the DIMEFIL assessment you conducted from the US perspective of the national security threat you addressed, create and compare TWO policy options, and recommend ONE of the two policy options you have created and compared (not a hybrid of the two!).
The intent is that your policy options contain specific counters using friendly capabilities identified in your DIMEFIL assessment to the enemy capabilities you identified in your PMESII assessment.
- Introduction: summarize the problems that the PMESII paper identified. Define terms if necessary. Tell the reader whether this is a threat and why. (1/2 page)
- Compare the PMESII capabilities with the DIMEFIL capabilities. Some comparisons are a bit more obvious — military with military for example — others are less so. I recommend combining some of them if necessary. (about 6 pages).
- Policy Option #1 (exploit areas of US and allied strength that you identified in the comparison) Describe the options. Be specific. Include anticipated reactions and objections. (2-3 pages)
- Policy Option #2 (bolster areas of US and allied weakness that you identified in the comparison) Describe the option. Be specific. Include anticipated reactions and objections. (2-3 pages)
- Choose one as the best option. Which one will eliminate the threat? (2 pages)
Technical Requirements
- Your paper must be about 12-15 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
- Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. Use headings to organize the required elements. You should have at least 8 scholarly sources in this paper.
- No Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources.
- All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.