Prepare a diagram of the Micro Environment for Short Stay Rental Accomodation Services in Australia.

Details of Task:

Prepare a diagram of the Micro Environment for Short Stay Rental Accomodation Services in Australia. 

Your diagram should include:

  • a break down of major service providers, 
  • the product/service categories offered and major market segments served.
  • It should also illustrate any significant collaborators or co-creators of value (such as suppliers or channels). 
  • And it should highlight the major relationships and exchanges of value between the various participants.

It should also be labelled appropriately (qualitative and quantitative). You should include a brief commentary to highlight the most significant elements.

Then, discuss in qualitative and quantitative terms, three significant Macro Environment factors that are currently impacting the micro environment, and briefly discuss the implications for the various participants the micro environment for the future..

 Marking Criteria will include:

  • Completeness of Micro Environment map.
  • Quantitative definitions/description of the major sectors within the Micro Environment.
  • Quantitative and qualitative discussion of Macro factor implications
  • Appropriate application of theoretical concepts discussed in the relevant online lessons and workshops
  • Visual presentation and clarity of information
  • Breadth and quality of referencing and source material

Marking criteria are further detailed in the appropriate rubric.

Word Limit: 1,000 words

Required file format: pdf

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