First: Article Reference Your article must be from a
professional, peer reviewed, scientific
(research based) journal conducting original research. (If
you’re not absolutely certain
the article you want to review is from a pro journal/source,
check with me)
You must provide a complete APA style reference for your
article. This must include the full title of the
article, the authors, and the journal, book or source for
your article.
Second: The Summary (1-2 slides)
The summary should be a complete but condensed version of
the article. It should mention each of
the main points stated in the article, for instance, if
there is a paragraph in the article that discusses
the effectiveness of a specific medication for depression,
there should be at least one sentence that
summarizes that point.
The summary should be dry and factual. There should be none
of your passion or voice in the
summary and you should be careful not to present the passion
or voice of the article author as if it
were your own. This is not a report of on what you think is
most relevant in the article, it is a factual
summary of what the article is. There will be space for your
opinion in the response section.
Third: Critical Evaluation (1-2 slides)
This section should be a 5 bullet points or so that
evaluates the information offered in the article. The
article is almost always making a claim of some sort. The
author is almost always trying to convince
you of something. Your job is to figure these things out and
evaluate whether or not the article is
convincing. Be skeptical but also be fair.
This section should include but is not limited to questions
What claims are being made?
What evidence has been provided to support the
claims (research study, expert opinion…)?
Is the
evidence credible (are the tests relevant, can they be repeated, examine
validity and
Did the author provide good examples and define
terms well enough to make the point clear?
What contemporary theoretical perspective in
psychology best explains the claims being
Fourth: Response (2-3 slides)
This is the place for you to offer your personal opinion. Do
you agree or disagree with the claim (why
or why not), Can you apply what the article said to
something in your own life or experience…..I want
to know what you think/ feel ….about what you have learned
from these articles.