Principles of public relations assignment- involves identifying a media crisis and writing about it

INFO FROM CLASS SYLLABUS THAT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW BEFORE BEGINNING ASSIGNMENT:  You are required to use AP Style for all writing. Please ensure that your assignments are proofread before submitting them. Deductions will be taken for spelling errors, wrong words and incorrect grammar. This includes posts and responses in Discussions.

NOTES FROM ME: This is for a principles of public relations class. You must find a media crisis from LAST WEEK FROM THE DATES OF MONDAY OCTOBER 7- SATURDAY THE 12TH

Use your resources from the other papers youve done to complete this as what you write should align with what we are learning in class. 

ACTUAL ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Write a paragraph or two about a media crisis you saw in the news over the past week. Explain why this was a crisis and how well or not it was managed.

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