Your report will need to be created and submitted as a Word document of 1200 words (plus or minus 10%).
The instructions for the report have been written in four parts below, with an indicative word allocation for each part. You are advised to keep to these word allocations as closely as you can, in order to give yourself the best chance of writing a high quality assignment.
You can include up to ten relevant figures showing the work of your learner(s) (and/or your own notes and annotations).
Your report
- a.Briefly describe your learner(s), focusing on anything you know about their geometric thinking that is relevant to the task. (150 words)
- b.Explain how you prepared and adapted the task for your learner(s). (350 words)
- c.Analyse how your learner(s) worked on the task using invariance and change (including one or both of its linked ideas: same and different, dimensions of possible variation). You might also wish to include the idea exploring a generality. (400 words)
- d.Reflect on the decisions you made when planning the task and interacting with the learner(s). (300 words)
Although the instructions have been written in four parts, you should treat these as four sections of one report β it will be marked as one piece of work.
- Illustrate your points using chosen examples of the work of your learner(s) and extracts of dialogue. Place these in the report at the appropriate points in the text.
- Include references to the module materials. If you refer to the ideas of other writers in books and journals, then make sure that you reference these.
Part (b)
You should explain the decisions you made when preparing and adapting the task, and how these were justified on the basis of:
- promoting geometric thinking
- the guidance available in Box 14.1 of Week 14
- your previous experience of planning a task and reflecting on how it worked for your learner(s) in Week 14 (Section 14.4.2 and Section 14.5).
Part (c)
You should:
- Explain clearly where invariance and change is exemplified.
- Describe how this piece of work indicates a possible change in the learnerβs geometric understanding or your awareness of it.
- Refer to the linked ideas of same and different and/or dimensions of possible variation to support your explanations.
Part (d)
How did this affect what the learner(s) learnt, and how do you know? For example, you could explain why one decision appeared successful and another less so.
The report should reflect on your approach to the task in terms of your own perceptual and discursive reasoning, and how you moved back and forth between the two types of reasoning in order to build on your understanding of the geometric concepts within the task. To support your reflection, you should also refer to other selected module ideas and material within the module.
The report should take the form of a narrated Office 365 PowerPoint presentation and the ME321 TMA 03 Analysing my own reasoning template is available for you to use if you wish. If you choose not to use the template, you should still refer to it for guidance and incorporate the required headings into your report.
Please contact your tutor if you are unable to record a narrated PowerPoint presentation and need an alternative way to provide your commentary.
Your presentation
As the template shows, the report should consist of two parts as described below. (The PowerPoint slides together with the narration are considered to be equivalent to 1200 words.)
- a.Presenting my geometric work Produce up to 10 slides that give an account of your progress through the geometry task. These slides should include screenshots, photos or scans of your work, and an explanation of, and commentary on, your geometric thinking throughout the task. The narration for this section should be no longer than 4 minutes.
- b.Analysing my geometric work Produce four slides to provide an analysis of your geometric thinking throughout the task, making reference to perceptual and discursive reasoning and one other selected module idea. You should communicate your analysis of a key moment that developed your reasoning and helped you to learn something new or improve your existing knowledge. The narration for this section should be no longer than 4 minutes.
This question is about your experience of working on a geometric task from the Geometry task booklet: Units 4 to 6. You have had the opportunity to work on a number of these tasks, so do choose to write about one that particularly challenged you to develop your geometric reasoning.
You will be assessed on your presentation as a whole, including its content and how that is communicated. The slides should contain diagrams and content that are strictly relevant to your narrative. Please consider providing a visual message rather than lots of sentences on the slide; the narration will provide the detail and explanation of the points you want to communicate. The narration should last no more than 8 minutes in total. It is important that you do not go over the length, or the number of slides, to ensure that the file is not too big to be submitted through the online TMA/EMA service. When Question 1 and Question 2 are zipped together, the resulting file size must be 50 MB or less.