This project will include a research paper. This paper should follow the following format:
1. ~8-10 pages in length (not including references), double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins.
2. Within text references are in (parenthesis) using APA formatting. No direct quotes. Must be paraphrased in your own words. A minimum of 5 references is required.
3. Search one or more article databases (PubMed, SportDiscus, EBSCO, etc) to locate current and relevant articles (within in the past 10 years).
4. Find at least 3 peer-review original research papers (an original research study where an intervention was used), to review using a study investigating exercise and your special population.
5. Other supporting references (at least 2) can come from other Peer-reviewed literature including review papers, meta-analyses from professional journals, textbooks, or reputable fitness or professional organizations (ACSM, NSCA, IDEA, ACE, ACOG, NHLBI, AHA, etc.).
Paper (submitted on Canvas):
1. Introduction:
a. Summarize the special population topic studied including information about the etiology of disease,
b. Include detailed supporting evidence (from your research study found) of the training program or the use of this type of equipment. Please include the applicability.
2. Critique each primary research article, using the following format:
a. List the APA format citation
b. Discuss the background of the article (Why was the study needed?)
c. Describe the subjects/participants
d. Describe the methods (What did they assess?; What was the program?)
e. Describe the results (What did they find?; Where there improvements?)
f. Describe the conclusion and any flaws with the study
g. Your take-away for fitness professionals (what should a fitness professional learn from this study? How can they apply it to their clients? etc)
3. Exercise Recommendations:
a. Provide a specific exercise prescription/ exercise considerations that includes recommendations or contraindications for this special population for an exercise professional.
b. This section should include the sample exercise prescription/workout in a table (if applicable to the topic).
No plagiarism!!!!