Project Assignment: Research-based Marketing Plan – Section 1 – Market Analysis Initial Draft

Chapter 3 of the course ebook, The 30 Day MBA in Marketing: Your Fast
Track Guide to Business Success(new tab)
. This chapter gives
an overview of marketing strategy and pages 60-61 cover Porter’s Five Forces
and PESTEL analysis. 

Chapter 2 of the course ebook, Developing Successful Marketing
Strategies(new tab)
, on legal changes and impact on strategy.

Chapter 5 of the course ebook, Full Brain Marketing(new tab) for
a brief overview of marketing strategy and the market size within the marketing
funnel framework.

How to Size Your Market Like a Pro(new
 for guidance on market sizingThis
short post talks about a top-down approach called the Chain-Ratio Method. We
are still at the top of this method in Workshop 1.

Watch the video, Porter’s Five Forces EXPLAINED(new tab) and PESTEL Analysis (Pest Analysis)
, for quick overviews of
those two analyses.

Conduct industry and product/service category research to find
sources supporting your Section 1 – Marketing Analysis

Write your initial draft of the first section of your report,
Market Analysis. A Go-to-Market Strategy Template(Word
 is provided for you to use. 

For full credit on this assignment, you should meet the
following requirements: 

Use at least 5 credible and objective sources (only 1 of the 5
sources may be from the course resources). IWU OCLS provides a valuable
resource for Evaluating Sources(new tab).
Please review this document before conducting your research.

Your first section of the paper should be 1000 words (+/- 50

Use the titles in the Go-to-Market Strategy Template to provide
structure and include the following: 

Market Definition and Description

Market Sizing – Current total revenue for the market. This is
sometimes referred to as the Total Addressable Market (TAM). A Marketing Sizing Template(PowerPoint
 has been provided to show this first
marketing sizing component. In later weeks you will complete the remaining
elements of the template. You may also discuss the total volume of units sold
to support your discussion. Include the projected growth (for the next 5
years). Discuss growth rates and provide a chart or graph showing the projected
revenue growth.

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis – Include graphical representation
of this information in addition to discussing it. Porter’s Five Forces Template(PowerPoint
 – this is an editable PowerPoint slide using SmartArt.
You can complete the slide and copy and paste it as an image into your report.
Alternatively, you can create your own graphic.

Macro environment analysis – PESTEL (Political, Economic,
Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal) analysis – examine current
relevant trends and the potential impact.

Required licenses, patents, and rulings or legal requirements to
compete in the market.

Submit Section 1 – Market Assessment using the assignment
submission page by the end of the workshop.

Your work on the
Go-to-Market Strategy will demonstrate your understanding of the weekly course
readings and show your mastery of the marketing concepts, tools, and


Non-Emergency transport for seniors and elderly (My business I have chosen)   

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