Project Part 1: Identifying Supply Chain Security Management Issues and Sources of Threat Information Scenario

Project Part 1: Identifying Supply Chain Security Management Issues and Sources of Threat Information


The Western Interconnection is a major power grid comprising electricity generators, or utilities, tied together to create the grid. The utilities can be thought of as the supply chain to the grid. Because the power grid is a critical infrastructure, the utilities must be able to securely operate their technical infrastructures to avoid the collapse of the power grid.


For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

  1. Perform research and write a report that:
  2. Describe at least three supply chain security management issues that could affect electricity generators and then the power grid overall
  3. Includes a list of five information sources and their URLs (e.g., Computer Network Defense vendor sites, Computer Emergency Response Teams, and so on) that would help grid operators maintain currency of computer network defense threat conditions and determine which security issues may have an impact on the power grid network
  4. Cite sources where appropriate.

Required Resources

  • Internet access
  • Course textbook

Submission Requirements

    • Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)
    • Font: Arial, 12-point, double-space
    • Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide
    • Length of report: 2–3 pages

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