- Attachements inclue the story and work cited that will be used!
- You MUST use the story link given to you for this essay. This link should also be used in the WC page.
- The PDF itself has only three pages, but use the numbering printed on the pages of the actual story.
- You must use your Office 365 account for essay composition.
- word minimum: 450 words, not including the Work Cited page, which will be its own page and the last page of the essay
- thesis sentence underlined (The thesis should be only one sentence.)
- MLA formatted (e.g., Times New Roman Font, font size 12; double spaced; one-inch margins, etc.)
- Use the Works Cited citations/reading links that I have provided.
- This essay needs to be written in third person. (The only exception: If the quotations are in first or second person, then you do not have to change those into third person.) If tempted to use “I,” use “the reader.”
- Unless discussing author’s biographical information or relevant historical events, when writing about literature, you should use the present verb tense and/or the present perfect verb tense. (The present perfect verb tense uses the helping verbs has or have with the past participle form of the verb. Ex.: has gotten or have arrived or has eaten or have drunk)
- Work Cited page required: I will provide you a template to follow since you are using the links in Modules and not an actual textbook.
- NO secondary sources are needed for this paper.
- This essay needs a minimum of two direct (not indirect!) quotations from the poem. Each quotation should be worked into the essay with a tagline (attributive tag) and not “plopped down” without any lead-in. This oversight is known as a “dropped quotation.”