I want seminar about the following question: Q1: Effective ‘talking shops’? In a world of power politics, to what extent do Geneva-based international organizations ‘walk the talk’ in global affairs? and use the sources which in members guidance attached. and add two question to discuss as all members can participate. down below some information how seminar should be Seminars are a central part of the learning experience. All follow a similar pattern, being built around sub-syndicates of around ten people and each lasting around 2.5 hours. They are structured and generally, though not always, designed to consider an area examined earlier in the programme with time allowed for self-reflection on the material examined hitherto and to emphasise the interconnectedness of issues. Some weeks before a seminar, Members are directed to the two seminar questions and some possible initial research materials as part of their personal preparation3 . While all Members should prepare themselves and think about answers to the questions, in each seminar group one Member is nominated in advance to open discussion of the designated question by providing a structured oral answer in no more than ten minutes. Each seminar has specific objectives related to the subject areas under discussion. They also all have three generic objectives: i. To stimulate the sharing of perspectives among programme Members in order to learn from one another. ii. To assess selected Members in their ability to analyse a question, to offer a sound argument to (actually) answer the question (rather than regurgitate material from lectures), and to present their thoughts crisply, in a logical manner and to time. iii. The final generic objective is to assess Members’ analytical skills, their ability to contribute meaningfully to a free-flowing discussion with cogent arguments and their interaction within the seminar group.
Q1: Effective ‘talking shops’? In a world of power politics, to what extent do Geneva-based international organizations ‘walk the talk’ in global affairs?
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