Change sub-question number 3.
Theoretical framework has to be done in order to provide information that can answer sub-questions.
Re-write Crisis communication and crisis response strategy – change this theoretical framework for Green marketing or environmental marketing.
Also make the necessary changes to the sections in which feedback is given by supervisor according to the feedback.
Find in literature the building blocks for research questions.
Re-do the conceptual model based on the thesis guide provided in the documents. The conceptual model is to collect data for the theoretical framework.
The theoretical frameworks that are already “correct” have to be have more detailed or in-depth information, and focus on what are the dimensions or criteria in which they are measured to achieve the desired objective. The dimensions are elements that have to do with effective communication. For example, when is going to be the timing of delivering information, is it a trustworthy message, knowledge of the topic, is it the right tone? Which tone is going to be used and in which platforms?
Please do not change what is already correct and written.
I uploaded a video of what is expected in the theoretical framework according to university standards. The other document is the complete thesis guide and the last one is my progress so far on my thesis (the document that needs to be worked on).