Write a one-page reaction paper on “SOCIAL IDENTITY: “US” VS “THEM” PSYCHOLOGY OF OPPRESSION “
I have downloaded a rubric, a PowerPoint and a
Text: David, E.J.R., & Derthick, A. O. (2018). The psychology of oppression. Springer that you can use to draw references from. also set of questions designed to stimulate critical thinking and reflective self-awareness:
❖ What are my beliefs about myself, my place in the world, and the place of individuals like or different from me?
❖ To what extent do I accept (or accept uncritically) values, beliefs, assumptions, and prescriptions acquired through
socialization into specific communities?
❖ How do I understand how to act in relation to someone from a different class, race, nationality, etc., and from
what sources have I learned these social lessons?
Additional questions to consider for journal entries include:
❖ How have the ideas, discussions, theories, or concepts in this course both challenged and/or affirms my personal
experiences with oppression?
❖ What topics or ideas covered in this course do I believe require more consideration and discussion?
❖ In what ways will I apply the knowledge gained in this course to my personal and professional life?
❖ What shifts in thinking about myself, members of my social groups, and outgroups am I experiencing due to what
I am learning in this course?
❖ What changes would I propose to enhance this course?
Please try to share your thoughts and even feelings about the topic in the reaction paper.