Reflective essay from an incident you observed or participated in during your learning in practice hours that has contributed to your becoming a better prescribing practitioner

Reflection on prescribing practice
You need to complete one reflective account using the following template which has been adapted from the Gibbs model. The reflective account should be from an incident you
observed or participated in during your learning in practice hours that has contributed to your becoming a better prescribing practitioner. This may include: a difficult consultation
with a patient, a prescribing error, a shared decision with a patient or a multi professional approach to a consultation.
Use the following template to complete the reflection but when you submit remove all the guidance. The maximum word count for the reflection is 1500 words
Includes a brief mention of your role and what incident you will be reflecting on with a rationale for why you chose the particular incident
Describe the what, when and who of the incident. When did this happen? What happened ?Who was involved?
Use reflexivity to identify your feelings, start thinking about why you felt like this.
Use criticality to assign value to the different areas, what was good and what not so
good. In this section you should identify themes/concepts that you are going to discuss
in the analysis section.
Analysis: (Minimum of 10 references needed- the majority should look beyond guidelines and the BNF) Use the relevant literature to support the themes/concepts youhave identified in the evaluation section
Conclusion: (References needed)
Develop new perspectives which help you to recognise what can be
done to help in future. Has your analysis indicated something which needs to be addressed?
What will need to happen now in your prescribing practice. This plan will need to specify
your actions in the change process and what your intent to do in the future

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