Word Limit
The word limit for this paper is 1200 words. Please ensure you adhere to this limit. Minimum word count without footnotes is 1100 words and maximum is 1200 words
Required Citations
You must cite a minimum of 10 academic works.
Referencing Style
You must use the Harvard referencing style. This means:
1. Your references are in text in brackets NOT footnotes
2. You must have a ‘references’ section at the end of your paper that lists your references in alphabetical order.
a. The references section is NOT included in your word count
Essay Structure and Focus
Your essay should be structured as follows:
1. Introduction:
o Set out the context of your chosen country
o Set out the structure of your paper
o Set out any arguments you will make about reform
2. Analysis of Electoral Regulations: Critically analyse the existing regulations, focusing on whether reform is needed. Discuss potential reforms and their implications.
3. Analysis of Lobbying Regulations: Critically analyse the existing regulations, focusing on whether reform is needed. Discuss potential reforms and their implications.
4. Conclusion: Brings together your analyses above
The paper should not be purely descriptive but should emphasise analysis and the need for reform. Discuss what reforms are necessary and how they could be implemented.
Legal Sources
You should look for legal sources in the following databases:
· HeinOnline
· Oxford
· Cambridge
· Springer
· Elgar
· Other relevant databases
* In-Text Citations Using Harvard *