In a five page, double-spaced essay, not including title page and References page, you will explore how the idea or theme has been especially meaningful and inspiring to you in your thinking about feminism as a movement for social justice and transformation. You will be expected to discuss how the idea is defined and explored in the three texts. This process will involve looking closely at the nuances and subtleties of the arguments, as well as at the differences and similarities. For example, you could explore how Audre Lorde uses the term “mythical norm” and look at how this concept surfaces in two other texts. Or you might discuss three works that explore body image, heteronormativity, or class inequality. You will be asked to provide a closing overview and argument for your paper in which you will summarize the central idea and its treatment in the pieces. You may use either MLA or APA formatting Remember to quote sparingly. I want to see that you understand and are able to explain the ideas in your own words.Criteria for Evaluation
- -close, focused analysis of chosen texts
- -clear understanding of the central arguments in the texts
- -a clear thread of argument connecting the texts
- adherence to the assignment guidelines and requirements
- -clarity of expression
- -unified paragraphs (applicable primarily to first option)
- organization of ideas within and between paragraphs (applicable primarily to first option)
- you are to use three sources, Adichies Dear Ijeawele or A feminist manifesto in fifteen suggestions, Lorde, A. (2007). Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference. In Sister outsider: Essays and speeches. Berkeley, [Calif.]: Crossing Press, and xTx’s “the ways we are taught to be a girl”