Reply To Discussion Post: Measurement approaches and methodologies to drive marketing insights

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Reply To Discussion Post: Measurement approaches and
methodologies to drive marketing insights


Marketing is a critical part of business performance, as is
identifying marketing insights, which can aid in distinguishing trends and
opportunities.  Measurement approaches and methods in marketing encompass
a wide range of stratagems devised to collect, analyze, and interpret data that
can generate more informed marketing decisions. These methodologies are
essential for understanding end-user behavior, calculating the effectiveness of
marketing campaigns, and guiding strategic concepts. By employing both quantitative
and qualitative techniques such as surveys, data analytic utilization, and
experimentation, marketers can develop actionable data that can better align
the marketing strategy with consumer needs and market undercurrents. This
discussion synthesizes findings from related articles to explore current trends
in measurement methodologies, and it identifies key areas for future research
to advance the field.

Recent research highlights numerous relevant themes in
measurement methodologies that reflect the evolution of marketing. One of the
leading trends is the increasing use of social media as a primary measurement
method. For instance, Ho, et al. (2024) demonstrate how social media marketing
activities directly influence customer purchase objectives, particularly in the
property industry. Social media has become the primary tool of communication
and entertainment for society, it has become a prime location for marketing.
This correlates with Kongar and Adebayo’s (2021) findings that a dual
performance measurement tactic employing data analytics and machine learning
improves the discernment of business performance related to social media
marketing. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in
marketing practices is gaining purchase. Kumar et al. (2024) explore how
AI-powered marketing tools can enhance targeting and personalization in
addition to machine learning. This aids in tailoring marketing strategies to
the appropriate audience and ensuring the maximum impact of marketing
strategies. Another rising theme is the exploration of consumer skepticism and
its implications for marketing strategies, as noted by Priporas et al. (2020).
Their research stresses the need to consider macro-environmental factors that
influence consumer attitudes toward marketing initiatives, particularly during
economic downturns.  In times of economic instability, consumers tend to
become more suspicious of advertisements, which can negatively impact
strategies that are effective during times of economic prosperity. Lastly, the
application of explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) in neuromarketing
research, as discussed by Marques dos Santos and Marques dos Santos (2024),
represents a cutting-edge method of understanding brand perception through
advanced neuroimaging methods such as functional MRIs and artificial neural
networks (ANNs).  By utilizing neurological tools, marketers can identify
how the brain responds to specific marketing methodologies and adapt their
strategies to optimize the reception of future strategies.

Looking ahead, several areas for future research in
measurement methodologies are evident from the discussions in this current
literature. Ho et al. (2024) and Kongar and Adebayo (2021) highlight the
ethical implications of using big data and AI in marketing, which demand
further exploration, particularly in terms of consumer privacy and data
security.  The limitations of how data can be acquired and what data can
be utilized are topics of discussion that have arisen. Kumar et al. (2024)
highlight the need for additional insight into the rational applications of AI
in marketing strategies, especially around the balance between automated
methods and human oversight of data mining. Understanding consumer skepticism,
per Priporas et al. (2020) research, opens pathways for additional research
regarding how brands can build consumer trust and credibility, particularly in
challenging economic climates such as recessions. Additionally, the insights
from Marques dos Santos and Marques dos Santos (2024) suggest a potential
examination of how xAI can be integrated into traditional marketing and
utilized to enhance consumer comprehension of brand messaging. By addressing
these topics, future research can significantly contribute to the development
of more effective and responsible marketing measurement methodologies.


Ho, L., Zakaria, N., & Foo, S. (2024),
“The impact of social media marketing activities on customer purchase
intention: a study of the property industry in Malaysia”, Property ManagementLinks to an external site., Vol. 42
No. 4, pp. 545-562. to an external

Kongar, E., & Adebayo, O. (2021) “Impact of Social
Media Marketing on Business Performance: A Hybrid Performance Measurement
Approach Using Data Analytics and Machine Learning,” IEEE
Engineering Management Review
, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 133-147. doi:

Kumar, V., Ashraf, A. R., & Nadeem, W. (2024).
AI-powered marketing: What, where, and how? International Journal of
Information Management
to an external site.

Priporas, C., Kamenidou, I., Nguyen, N., & Shams, R.
(2020). The impact of the macro-environment on consumer scepticism towards
cause-related marketing: Insights from an economic crisis setting. [The impact
of the macro-environment] International Marketing Review, 37(5),
to an external site.

Marques dos Santos, J.P. & Marques dos Santos, J.D.
(2024). Explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) in neuromarketing/consumer
neuroscience: an fMRI study on brand perception. Frontiers in Human


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