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It is important to maintain healthy eating patterns so you can stay on track with your body’s health, receive all the nutrition you need to avoid illnesses, and stay strong, ingesting all the vitamins needed. Although It’s important, It could be tricky to keep up with sometimes. It is easy to fall into the trap of unhealthy eating patterns such as consuming fast food, processed, fried, high saturated food. There are several different ways though, to sustain healthy eating patterns. For one, eating in moderation could be a significant way of obtaining healthful eating patterns. Everyone has seen the “healthy eating plate” color coordinated by the appropriate portions of each food category. It shows the necessary portions to be consumed daily. Approximately ½ of your plate should be fruits and vegetables, ¼ protein, ¼ whole grains, healthy oils, and of course drinking at least 8-13 cups of water a day. Portions varying on weight, height and gender. This is definitely a simple, useful way to introduce portion control, and even calorie intake into your diet. Furthermore, health experts stated in “Defining a Healthy Diet: Evidence for the Role of Contemporary Dietary Patterns in Health and Disease” how following a Mediterranean diet is also a beneficial way of following a good, healthful eating pattern. Mediterranean diets consist of fiber rich foods, and the majority of plant-based food. Many vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, grains, and extra-virgin olive oil as the source of fat, and limiting dairy, eggs, poultry and red meats. Experts have noticed that this specific type of diet has proven to reduce risk of disease, and reduce blood pressure. This diet is also helpful for cognitive health, as well as healthy weight loss. Clearly, there are different ways to go about having healthy eating patterns. These are just two of many ways, and should be highly considered by anyone trying to make a positive change in their diet.
Cena, Hellas (2020) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7071223/Links to an external site.