For this assignment, you are to research an issue, problem, or gap relating to your major or career (field of interest) that you find interesting and want to learn more about. If you are currently employed (Lowe’s), you could look to address an issue or problem with the current corporation that you are working for. It needs to be a relevant topic that allows you to think critically about the development and potential solutions. Or, consider a gap or topic that you want to improve upon in your desired (future) industry (technology, Management Information Systems).
General Guidelines Guidelines (APA format) for Preparing Report 1. The body of the report is to be double-spaced. 2. Use a serif font, preferably Times New Roman, or Cambria. 12-point 3. Use 1″ margins. 4. Insert page numbers in the upper right-hand corner except the title page. 5. Use proper headings and subheadings for each section. Format these in the Word toolbar (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) to help with formatting your Table of Contents. See page 440 in the Cardon text. 6. Formal reports are to be written in the third person. 7. APA 7th ed. in-text parenthetical documentation is required throughout the paper for proper attribution. In Order Sub-heading Sections of the Report (Page 445 in the Cardon text): 1. Cover page 1 page (refer to page 442 in the Cardon text) APA format 2. Table of Contents 1 page APA format 2 3. Executive Summary of the paper–Purpose of Research and Problem Statements .5-1 page (refer to page 439 in the Cardon text) 4. Body (which includes the introduction, questions, “why I chose this topic,” background, data analysis, graphs/graphics, and findings)–5-7 pages (See page 431). Data visualization: Add a graphic or a figure to your paper (not an image or a photo… but an original graph or figure). Keep within the 1″ margins. Use word wrap to wrap the text around the graphic (refer to page 441). APA format 5. Conclusions, Recommendations 1-1.5 pages (See pages 436-437). 6. References: 1 page (primary and secondary research sources/citations) (refer to page 451 in Cardon text) alphabetically organized in APA format. Minimum requirement: 3-4 secondary sources (optional one primary source). Total: 10 pages minimum Executive Summary An effective executive summary is similar to an abstract. This important document succinctly frames your report with a narrative outline of the a) Problem statement, b) Who, c) What, d) How, and e) Brief Conclusions. Executive Summaries are used to encapsulate the entire report, presentation, etc., and provide the audience or reader with a quick overview. Please do not simply write out bullets. It is to be a professional executive summary that is fully written. Do not use numbers, bullets, or subheadings. Write in paragraph form. Requirement: half-page minimum, and full-page maximum. APA 7th Edition Research Writing FormatAPA style guidelines encourage authors to fully disclose essential information and allow for proper attribution protocol of ideas, data, and concepts (American Psychological Association, 2020. 1. For this report, you will need to use a minimum of four outside sources (secondary research). One of the sources must be a primary source/interview of an expert in that field. 2. At the beginning of the report, explain how this topic relates to your degree or aspirational career field. “Why I chose this topic…” 3. You will need to APA in-text cite your sources throughout the paper, and then reference them at the end of the paper. Use APA 7ed. Style 3 formatting for this paper, especially when citing your sources. Basic APA in-text reference example: To think gain means engaging in conversation like a scientist by discovering something new from someone that may alter your original thinking (Grant, 2021). 4. Your sources need to be relevant and valid. One of the best ways to gather academic sources is through the WSU Stewart Library OneSearch database or Google Scholar. Using websites such as Wikipedia, HowStuffWorks,, or Reddit are not proper sources. 5. Refer to Chapter 14, “Completing Business Proposals and Business Reports,” from the Cardon text for supplemental instruction on writing and creating industry research. This is an academic approach to learning more about your industry and finding data to support your topic, which should lead to a conclusion/solution that ultimately sets you apart in the professional world. 6. Research – How to document (Pages 431-434) in the Cardon text): You may quote, paraphrase, and summarize with the goal of utilizing all three methods of integrating research. Your goal is to introduce, insert, and interpret the research and use it to complement and validate your ideas. Type of Report The report is a recommending report. You must quote or paraphrase every source you put on your references page and use APA 7th ed. in-text formatting throughout. Report your findings. Draw conclusions from the findings you obtain (facts from secondary sources and from your primary source). Make a recommendation.Also VISUALS are encouraged and needed (graphs, charts, etc.)