Research paper on the book “The Snowden Operation: Inside the Greatest Intelligence Disaster” by Edward Lucas

Prepare a compelling and thoughtfully researched paper based on  independent reading selection The Snowden Operation: Inside the Greatest Intelligence Disaster” by Edward Lucas

  • Paper: single-spaced , 11-point font, 2-3 pages (not including cover, endnotes/citations, bibliography
  •  format should contain:

1. A brief introduction on the topic you selected and researched, and why you found it of interest;

2. Specifics as to the information security/cyber security issues – e.g., details, options, challenges, concerns, potential impacts on business/industry sector/global;

3. A concise analysis of the topic & related challenges/issues it presents, from your point of view based on your reading and research, supported by relevant observations, examples, figures, statistics, etc., that help the reader understand your perspective;

4. Actions/steps that can be taken to address the issue/challenges – e.g., mitigate/reduce risk, ensure business value/benefits, and who needs to be engaged/involved; and,

5. Conclusion – a summary of your final thoughts/recommendations – note potential hurdles/challenges, rationale/importance of managing this issue in terms of its potential impact on the organization/business objectives, etc.

6. Opinions properly cited; bibliography (references).

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