Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media Communication Campaign Development” E-book Assignment


Throughout this course, you have encountered key concepts related to IMC Campaign development. The following Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media Communication Campaign Development” E-Book Assignment requires you to reflect on these concepts and apply them to the marketplace. Thus, this Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media CommunicationCampaign Development” E-Book Assignment helps youfulfill the first three learning objectives of this course: identify key concepts related to IMC, analyze how these concepts can be utilized to develop IMC campaigns, and how to strategically align said concepts to companies within a specific market in order to reach specific communication objectives. In order to accomplish these objectives, you will create an aesthetically pleasing e-book that provides IMC campaign development guidance for companies within a specific niche. The following Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media Communication Campaign Development” E-Book Assignment also serves as a portfolio builder for those hoping to enter the marketplace like a professional. 



For the Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media Communication Campaign Development” E-Book Assignment: each student must create an e-book that visually highlights and describes several key concepts from our text. The e-book must be directed towards a specific niche market (e.g. real estate, footwear, sports, etc.). The number of pages for each e-book will most likely fluctuate between 18-25 pages, depending on how carefully students present and articulate their information. You are required to cite a minimum of 15 different sources in your e-book. Although direct quotes are not allowed from the textbook, you are encouraged to quote experts in the field when it comes to clarifying or promoting specific perspectives in their e-book. All paraphrasing and summaries must be cited in APA format. Additionally, since you will ideally place this e-book in your professional portfolio, the use of copyrighted pictures is strictly prohibited (unless students pay the licensing fees to use them). 


Here is a general break down of topics you must discuss in your e-book. The layout, format, style, order, etc. is completely up to you. That being said, each topic listed here, should be included in each students e-book in order to receive full credit. Again, page suggestions are merely estimates and may vary depending content, layout, and execution. Please let your professor know if you have any questions regarding this Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media CommunicationCampaign Development” E-Book Assignment. We are here to help. Enjoy the process! You will do great and potentially have a portfolio element worth bragging about when done. 


A sample outline for your Research Project: “An Introduction to Integrated Media Communication Campaign Development” E-Book Assignment is located on the next few pages. Please review them carefully and let your professor know if you have any questions. Thank you. 






(Note- Canva is a great option for those who might lack the necessary skills to develop visually stimulating content. Please explore this application as an option for this research project).


Please use the following structure for your e-book. 

 Cover Page- Clear title page that provides the topic, purpose, author, motive for publishing, and personal brand logo 
o Example of useful information on your cover page: 
 An Intro to IMC Campaign Development; A Practical Guidebook for Developing IMC Campaigns to achieve marketing and communication objectives within the Real Estate Market
 Jason Leverett, Future Thought Leader in Strategic Communication
 Liberty University STCO 658 Final Assignment
 Nice logo 
 (Please note: this is simply referring to key information that is needed on page one. The layout and design is up to the student).


 Second page- Suggested Table of Contents structure and topics
o The Evolution of IMC and its current status in the marketplace (1 page)
o Promotional Mix Review (2 pages)
o Available Touchpoints and Contact Tools (3 pages)
o Situation Analysis (2 page)
o Communication Objectives and Budget (1 page)
o Communication strategy and program (4 page)
o Program implementation (3 page) 
o Monitoring and Evaluations (2-3 page) 
o Advertising and Promotional regulation and ethics (2 pages)
o References (2-3 pages)
 Remaining Pages– The fulfillment of the Table of Contents







The following page provide even further guidance regarding this table of content and key concepts that should be include and discussed in your e-book.

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STCO 658

Elaborated Suggested Table of Contents for E-book- In order to help you further, I have provided an elaborate breakdown of the table of contents. Students should keep their table of contents in their e-book streamlined and simple. This elaborate breakdown is merely provided to help guide students through key concepts that should be addressed in their e-book.


 Elaborate Suggested Table of Contents structure and topics
o The Evolution of IMC and its current status in the marketplace (1 page)
 Current status in the marketplace
o Promotional Mix Review(2 pages)
 Advertising, direct marketing, digital/internet marketing, sales promotion, publicity/public relations, personal selling
o Available Touchpoints and Contact Tools (3 pages)
 Paid- key terms and uses (pros/cons)
 Television, radio, magazines, newspapers, outdoor, direct mail, in-store media, online banner ads, videos, paid search, social media ads
 Owned- key terms and uses (pros/cons)
 Website, microsites, mobile apps, social media (e.g. facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc.), blogs, brochures, in-store displays
 Earned- key terms and uses (pros/cons) 
 Word-of-mouth, social media mentions, comments, shared videos, pictures, posts, reposts, online reviews, online communities, media coverage
o Situation Analysis in real estate(2 page)
 Internal marketing audit (for a real estate company)
 External analysis in real estate (i.e. market competition and environmental factors)
o Communication Objectives and Budget for a real estate IMC campaign (1 page)
 Direction, time frame, and mechanism for measuring performance 
o Communication Strategy and Program for a real estate IMC campaign(4 page)
 Major selling idea, selecting target market, consumer decision making process, creativity and message development within the real estate market
o Program Implementation for a real estate IMC campaign (3 page) 
 Media planning, selection, and execution- media mix, target market coverage, geographic coverage, scheduling, reach versus frequency, creative aspects of mood, flexibility and budget considerations 
o Monitoring and Evaluations (2-3 page) 
 Source factors, message variables, media strategies, budgeting
 Feedback Tools
 Laboratory methods
 Field methods
o Advertising and Promotional regulation and ethics (2 pages)
o References (2-3 pages)
 20+ references



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