Follow these instructions:
STRUCTURE: The paper must contain a title page (or heading), an abstract/summary, an introduction, a brief literature review, analysis, conclusion, and bibliography/references. Please consult the KSU Writing Center for free help.
The introduction should contain an explicit statement of the argument or question, a summary of how the topic will be supported or explored and definitions of key concepts. The literature review should identify at least four or five principal theoretical works on the topic, include a brief discussion of what each work reveals (or does not reveal), and a concluding statement about the current knowledge of the topic. PLEASE consult some internet sources and your assigned paper supervisor for info on how to do a correct literature review. The purpose of the analytical section is to defend the thesis. Students should restate the argument in the first paragraph of this section, and then present supporting evidence. Evidence includes things such as statistical findings, tables, graphs, quotations, and descriptions of events. This is also where students should present interpretations of the evidence. The conclusion should restate the argument and then summarize the results of the research. Is the argument supported? What is the state of a current subject?