I already have research question, independent variables and dependent variables attached below. Following the the research question outline, you will need to
1. Conduct Research: Look for relevant sources using peer reviewed academic journal articles ONLY.
2. Citation: Start with a proper citation for each source according to the required citation style (APA) with 1” margins all around adhering to the APA paper
This includes the author’s name, publication year, title of the work, and publication details.
3. Annotation: Below each citation, write an annotation that includes:
• A brief summary of the source’s content and main arguments.
• An evaluation of the source’s credibility, relevance, and value to your research topic.
• Your reflections on how this source fits into your research or its potential usefulness.
4. Organize: Arrange your annotated entries alphabetically by the author’s last name.
5. Review and Revise: Ensure each annotation is concise, informative, and critically engages with the source. Check for any errors or inconsistencies in your citations and annotations.
THIS PAPER WILL BE SUBMITTED INTO TURNITIN.COM, this professor grades sorta strict.