1. Research the PEG Ratio and evaluate its efficacy compared to other financial ratios.
2. Create a report that answers the following questions:
a. What is the PEG Ratio?
b. How does the PEG Ratio compare to other financial ratios?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the PEG Ratio?
d. What types of PEG Ratios work best?
e. What factors should be considered when using the PEG Ratio?
3. Present your report in one of the following types of media: written essay
Use graphs as well
Grading Rubric:
Research: 40 points
• Student accurately and thoroughly presents research on the PEG Ratio
Analysis: 80 points
• Student effectively compares the PEG Ratio to other financial ratios
• Student includes advantages and disadvantages of the PEG Ratio
• Student provides examples of which PEG Ratios work best
• Student provides a list of factors to consider when using the PEG Ratio
Presentation: 40 points
• Student correctly presents report in one of the assigned media formats
Organization: 40 points
• Student effectively organizes report
Grammar/Spelling/Style: 40 points
• Student displays correct grammar, spelling, and syntax throughout report