visit the exhibition The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism at the Metropolitan Museum of Art online.
Once you have seen the exhibition, please write response to the exhibition, using some of the following questions:
Please summarize the main concept behind the exhibition. In two-three paragraphs, present briefly the movement of artists known as the Harlem Renaissance and place them in the larger context of American history from the early 20th century. Who are some of the main artists in the movement and what is their legacy in NYC and beyond? Are women artists present in the exhibition?
In two-three paragraphs, discuss the themes around which the exhibition is organized. What do the curators mean by “transatlantic modernism”? How is the concept “transatlantic modernism” represented in the show? In what ways does the Harlem Renaissance modernism differ from European modernism in content and in form?
How are women present in the paintings and other artworks? How do the artworks speak about gender relations in the African-American communities from early twentieth-century in the United States? In the remaining paragraphs, focus on one work of art of your choice. Introduce the artist and describe closely the style and content of the work. Analyze gender relations and/or how women are represented in it. (Please attach a photo of the work!)
Your essays have two be minimum two single-spaced pages and follow the standard format (Times New Roman; 12 point size, one-inch margins on each side).