Write the Results section for a research proposal on the topic of “The Impact of Stress and Coping Skills on Well-Being Among College Students”
*the introduction section and methods section of the proposal have already been written so this is a continuation/ the next part of the proposal. please follow along with the information presented in these (the files are attached)” EVERYTHING WRITTEN MUST BE IN CURRENT APA FORMAT
TWO SUBSECTIONS WITHIN THE RESULTS: Analysis (1 paragraph) & Assumptions (4 paragraphs)
Analysis Subsection:
- make sure to write this in future tense
- make sure to state a two-factor between-subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) wil be done
- then discuss the analytic plan using the following prompt and filling in the blank spaces with values from the methods section
“ A one-factor way analysis of variance was conducted to determine if well-being was different, given different types of stress (i.e., ___, ___, and ___), and body positions (i.e., ___ vs ___). Participants were classified into three stress groups ______ (n = _), ______ (n = _), or ______ (n = _), and two different groups to complete the second Muse trial, sitting (n = _) or standing (n= _). Well-being increased from the ______ (M = __, SD = __), to ______ (M = __, SD = __), to ______ (M = __, SD = __) experimental groups, in that order, but the differences between these experimental groups was not statistically significant, F(_, __) = _____, p = .___, η2 = __. The experimental condition _____ had a significant effect on well-being.”
- Make sure to state the decision that is expected for each of the three hypotheses (interaction, main effect 1, main effect 2). Was there a significant difference? Discuss interaction, each main effect, etc.
Assumptions subsection:
- 1 paragraph listing the design assumptions and listing how each was met
- data-related assumptions should be listed and then also be stated how they will be assessed and what will happen if they are violated