Review your organization’s BYOD policyAfter reviewing the BYOD policy, write a response in which you describe a possible modification you would make to this policy to reflect the changes in the system from the scenario.

You are a cybersecurity analyst, and your organization has noticed a new trend. More and more employees are bringing their personal devices to work and connecting them to the company’s Wi-Fi. The security team has recognized this as an issue and has decided to create a new segmented network for employees to use for their personal devices. This is a more secure solution because it separates data traffic for personal use and allows the organization to encrypt the communication. This benefits both the employees who want to use their personal devices at work and the organization.

This change to the system includes two steps from two different teams. The IT team is going to build the isolated secure network for employees only, and the security team needs to update the bring your own device (BYOD) policy. Your manager has asked you to draft the update to this policy. Your requirement is to update the policy to reflect the changes in the system in response to this new initiative. 

Please use 2 sources to complete this and please make sure I don’t need to pay to access them. You can use websites as sources.

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