Rewriting of an esssay about feminist theories in the Billie Jean King movie battle of the sexes

I wrote an essay and got a very bad grade, I need it to be rewritten and two feminist theories integrated into it. The theories will be provided via lecture slides and the movie is Battle of    Sexes. I will provide the slides and breakdown of the rubric below. 

Here is the prompt:

.  Choose TWO FEMINIST THEORIES and use each theory to analyze the Billie Jean King documentary. 

     a.  Compare and contrast the premises of these theories with the content of the movie.
     b.  Explain how each theory would analyze the role the media played in:
                i.  supporting BJKs fight for gender equity and
               ii.  impeding BJKs fight for gender equity 
     c.  Use specific examples from the film to support your points. 

2.  Reflect on and discuss your understanding of feminist theory prior to and after this section of the class.  Why do you think it is important to include feminist theory in a class on sport, media and popular culture?

3.  Cite course lecture and/or course academic readings in your paper.

4.  Include an APA style cover and reference page (an abstract is not required).  Information on APA style will be covered in class and can be found in the “course support” module of this class.

Your paper should be 1.5 – 2 pages in length. 


Feminist Theories: Your two feminist theories are identified and appropriately defined.

You clearly and accurately explain how each theory would analyze the BJK documentary.
You used specific examples from the BJK documentary to illustrate your analysis of the role the media played in promoting and/or impeding BJKs fight for gender equity for each theory (I received a 10/40 in this category). 

Personal Reflections: You demonstrated a high level of critical thinking about your response to the documentary and your understanding of feminist theory as applicable to this class.
(I received a 5/20 in this category).

You cited course lectures and/or an academic course reading in a way that adds depth to your response, using APA format.
Your writing is college-level; free of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
You included an APA style cover and reference page. (Got a 13/15 in this catagory)

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