Design a four slides PowerPoint (10 minutes)
But please read the whole essay and then do four slides about the first part (black text only.) Please do so that later on, the other two people doing the last two parts can present after this first part. Don’t Don’tslide for the whole essay; do it for the first part only.
The PowerPoint needs to identify a single topic (refer to the whole essay) as a unifying principle for the text under consideration. The PowerPoint slides ought to include a discussion about the historical context and point about the rhetorical situation relevant to the texts (e.g., BergBerger’snt’s interpretation of art, FoucFoucault’snt about surveillance based on BentBentham’sopticon, PratPratt’snt about the contact zone regarding disparate cultures, etc.), and significance of the argument. The slides should consist of textual content, mainly with several useful visuals from material culture (e.g., paintings) and rhetorical analysis of the text. For those examining the literary texts, the same principles will apply, including literary analysis (e.g., themes, symbols, etc.).