Seahorse Group: Week 3 Content Module #1: Blackberry Theme Near Those Winter Sundays Discussion completed by 11:59 PM Wednesday, July 3

1) In a single reply to the designated forum in Discussions, post your clear and concise response to BOTH of the
following question sets:
Please reread “Blackberry Eating” and “Those Winter Sundays,” poems
shared earlier in this content module. Then, specifically discuss how YOU
believe certain word denotations and connotations in each poem
contribute to that poem’s overall meaning and effect.
Please also reread “Theme for English B” and “Near the Shrine of Saint
Naum,” poems also shared earlier in this content module. Then, specifically
identify who YOU believe each poem’s speaker to be, where and when
each poem is set (this may require a quick online search), and how each
poems speaker and setting contribute to that poem’s meaning and effect.
While looking up basic references (word definitions, history surrounding the poem’s setting, geographical
information, etc.) is advisable, your analysis and interpretation of each poem should be yours, written entirely in
your own words and with direct examples from each poem to support your claims and reasoning.
2) Also post your thoughtful, attentive response to at least one
other classmate’s posting. Your response should extend the
discussion of the poems and include specific comments about,
questions about, clarifications of, and/or additions to that
classmate’s answers to the questions. Avoid simple restatements,
affirmations, or critiques; instead, demonstrate your critical thinking
skills and engagement with the poems and the applicable contents
of this lesson.

Please see the Apply section of this content module

 for instructions. Please note that I am looking for YOUR original response to this assignment and the four poems. I am also looking for evidence of your thorough interaction with the applicable contents of this lesson.

Use the “Reply” option to make your initial post, which should not be blank, directly into the reply box (no file attachments). Once you have posted, you will see your classmates’ postings and can reply to one of theirs as well. Make sure to specifically and thoroughly discuss the assigned tasks and the poems in your reply to your classmate.

Grading for on-time submission of this assignment:

15 points for making an on-task initial post that also reflects your clear and complete interaction with the applicable contents of the lesson and associated/linked information, especially word connotations and denotations, setting, and speaker.

15 points for your initial post reflecting your attentive and complete interaction with each entire poem and use of detailed support for your claims.

15 points for a personalized reply to a classmate’s posting that meaningfully and intentionally interacts with the contents of that classmate’s post.

15 points for extending the discussion of that classmate’s post and both poems in a manner that reflects clear and complete interaction with the contents of the lesson, especially word connotations and denotations, setting, and speaker.

60 points = 100%

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