Leaders in.Samburu have urged the government to intensify efforts to seize illegal firearms that are being used to fuel livestock theft and insecurity in the region. The call comes amid rising cases of cattle rustling and attacks on residents, which have left many in fear. For years.Samburu has been one of the regions heavily affected by livestock theft, driven by the easy availability of illegal firearms. Community leaders and security officials say that criminals use these weapons to carry out violent raids, leading to loss of lives and property. Speaking at a security meeting, the.Samburu Senator emphasized the need for urgent action. “The safety of our people is our priority. We urge the government to conduct thorough operations to seize illegal firearms and bring those responsible to justice,” he said. Leaders Urge Residents to Report Illegal Firearms The Member of Parliament for.Samburu North stressed that local residents must play a key role in combating cattle rustling. He pointed out that some individuals conceal information or fail to report illegal gun owners, allowing criminals to operate freely. “We encourage our communities to cooperate with security agencies by reporting those involved in this criminal activity. Only then can we restore peace,” he added. Mary Lempira, a resident, expressed concern over the rising insecurity, saying women and children suffer the most. “We cannot continue living in fear. The government must act swiftly to collect all illegal firearms,” she stated. Government Urged to Strengthen Operations Security officers have launched a crackdown on illegal firearms across.Samburu, working closely with community leaders. The regional police commander confirmed that efforts are ongoing to seize the weapons and arrest perpetrators. The government is also promoting peaceful conflict resolution but warns that anyone caught with illegal firearms will face strict legal action. Leaders hope these efforts will restore stability in.Samburu.
Security in Samburu: Leaders Call for Crackdown on Illegal Firearms Weapons Used to Perpetuate Livestock Theft
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