Title and Abstract
A structured abstract will help to set the context of your academic article. It should
provide a rationale for the study, forward a clear aim, present key literature review and
discussion findings and draw conclusions.
Introduction / rationale
This should provide a background and rationale for the paper along with clear aims and
objectives (i.e. where the article is going and why it is important). The title you choose
must be illustrative of the paper’s content.
Critical literature review and analysis
Within the central sections of your article you should critically review published work in
the area. The literature that you refer to must be correctly referenced using the Harvard
system. The aim is to draw themes and concepts together in a coherent way, which
addresses your research issue and argument. In doing this you must consider opposing
views and relate to current thinking and practice in the industry.
Conclusion and implications
The final section must include a clear statement of the article’s implications for
hospitality and tourism managers. Your personal point of view (as long as it is reasonably
supported) is appreciated and should represent part of the contribution of your article to
the literature in the area. This section may also include possible areas for further
research and investigation as well as an acknowledgement of the limitations of your
This section must demonstrate extensive and relevant reading from a wide range of
academic, trade, professional and electronic sources. Each source that you have used
and made reference to in your article must be listed here in accordance with the
Business School’s Harvard system. Any information you have used from the Internet
must also be correctly listed. For further information please collect a free fact sheet from
the library.
Presentation guidelines
In terms of presentation style and format, spelling and layout, your paper must conform
to the following guidelines:
• You are expected to conform to the Harvard Referencing conventions.
• There is a limit of 4000 words (1.5 line spaced) for your article.
• Your article must be word-processed in Arial font (size 11 pt).
• All pages must be numbered.
• Your article must have a front cover containing: Course title, module name, title
of the article, your student number and submission date.
• Page margins must be: Top 1 inch (2.5 cm); Bottom 1 inch (2.5cm); Left 1.25
inches (3.2cm); Right 1.25 inches (3.2cm).
Marks will be deducted for poor and incorrect referencing, presentation style and format,
spelling, layout etc