Online Learning Activity: Post your 500-600 words response to the assigned discovery questions (DQ) based on the assigned role to the Group Discussion Board. Access the groups through the “Groups” link. Each student is assigned a discussion question and a stakeholder to role-play when answering and discussing the question. Locate your assigned group and select its link. Scroll down to Group Tools and select the Group “Discussion Board” link in the top menu bar. Finally, select your group discussion board and create a thread to post your assignment. Please note: It is recommended to back up your initial discussion post in a Word Document in an event of any technical issues.
Discussion Scenario
Location: Cook County Illinois
Data Source: Cook County Public Health
Data Tool : Cook County Illinois Health Atlas
Cook County 2022 Population: 5,109,292
Discovery Questions
Support your responses and opinions with examples and/or references. A quick access sheet with the health organization roles .
DQ1. EHRs and Morbidity/Mortality. Based on your role, evaluate the health information needed to calculate morbidity vs. mortality rates (using the calculations) to measure value-based care in Cook County. (WO1, WO3)
DQ2. Mortality of Disease and Value-based Care. Based on your role, evaluate interoperability may prohibit the coordination of care based to address mortality rates to improve health outcomes through value-based care. (WO2, WO3)
DQ3. Assessing Validity and Reliability of Disease. Based on your role, defend the need for interoperability to calculate the sensitivity and specificity rates of disease in health care.
Discussion Groups
Last Name A- D DQ1 Role: IT Staff
Last Name E-I DQ2 Role Pharmacist
Last Name J-M DQ3 Role Population Health Professional
Last Name N-R DQ1 Role Physician
Last Name S-V DQ2 Role Laboratory Technician
Last Name W-Z DQ3 Role Nurse
Respond to the discussion prompts and questions by the due dates outlined in the forum. You should contribute your first post no later than Day 3. Then, follow up on your classmates posts for each discussion question. The faculty and faculty and responses to your own posts. The Discussion and Participation grading rubric calls for you to post a total of 3 times per week (1 initial post + 2 discussion participation posts 250-500 words).
For Example:
Initial Post DQ1 + Discussion Participation DQ2 & DQ3 = 3 Total Posts for the Discussion Participation to fellow classmates.
Please note: Faculty follow-up questions are intended to verify the understanding of the topic and to moderate the discussion.
Discussion will include the following 4 components:
– Add new information or viewpoints
– Provide context by example, inference, explanation, or comparison
– Critically evaluate discussion content
– Challenge, question, or refute discussion content or accepted knowledge