Separation of Powers in the Digital Age: The Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative Response to Emerging Technologies

Plagiarism (text similarity) more than 10 % and or AI similarity more than 10% submission not allowed. 2) 1. Submission page mentioning the Name of the University, Student, Project Number, Project title (including allotted topic) Subject, Subject Teacher, SRN Number, PRN number, Class, Academic Year, Date of Submission, etc. 2. Index page mentioning all headings and sub-headings upto three levels in 1) A) a) i) format with proper pagination. 3. The formatting, content, sequence of content of submission page and Index page should be as per the sample given. The student may delete or add headings and subheadings in the Index page as per the headings and sub-headings used in the project. Every heading and subheading in the project should be included in the index with page number on which it is used. Submissi on Page0.5 marks Index Page- 0.5 marks 3) 1. Footnotes to be inserted using appropriate function (on a word document, click on “references” and then click on “insert footnote”) with the citation of resources as per SILC Citation rules. 2. Font size of footnotes used in all projects should be 10 and font type should be Times New Roman with a justified alignment and line spacing of 1. 2 Marks 4) Font size of text used in all projects (other than the first page and index page) should be 12 and font type should be Times New Roman with a justified alignment and line spacing of 1 1⁄2. 1 Mark 5) 1) Delete all unnecessary line spacing and blank space throughout the project. Every heading and sub-heading should be written one after another and it is wrong to start a new heading on a new page. 2) Every heading should have head as mentioned in the index page, e.g. in the following image “Membership Rules” is heading and “5” is head of the heading. Please note that heads in the index should be same as heads of the heading in the proposal (to be submitted as Project-1) OR project report (to be submitted as Project-2). 1 Mark Vishwakarma University, Pune Issue 01: Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/07/2023 6) “INTRODUCTION” should include a brief summary (250-500 words) about the project explaining the nature, scope, aims and objective, research problem, hypothesis, research methodology, expected conclusion, etc. The researcher shall explain “about research” and not “about research topic,” e.g. if the topic is freedom of speech and expression then the researcher should NOT discuss meaning, definition, origin, history, legislative provisions, case laws, etc. about freedom of speech and expression. 1 Mark 7) “RATIONAL AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH” shall explain to whom and how the research is beneficial, and the importance of conducting research. The researcher should NOT discuss the importance of research topic, e.g. importance of freedom of speech and expression. 1 Mark 8) THE STATEMENTS OF RESEARCH PROBLEM shall be written as a statement (sentence) and NOT as a question. It shall explain the “problem” identified by the researcher which has to be solved by the end of the research. It should have a direct relationship with the title of the research, aims and objectives, as well as the hypothesis. 2 Marks 9) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH PROBLEM should be written in a list, for example, The aims and objectives mentioned in the proposal should be achieved in the final project report (to be submitted as Project-2). For example, in a project having the above aims and objectives the student shall (1) examine how freedom of speech and expression by one person affect the privacy of others, (2) study laws relating to broadcast media in India, (3) study laws relating to broadcast in other countries (4) analyse difference and similarities in the privacy rights in India and other 1 Mark Vishwakarma University, Pune Issue 01: Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/07/2023 countries. (5) find out when right to privacy shall be given to a person to protect freedom of speech. The project is incomplete unless and until the student will do these things as it was/is aim and objectives of the project. 10) HYPOTHESES OF THE RESEARCH shall be “answer” to the research problem. It should be a simple sentence consisting of two or three variables having a particular relationship with each other. It should have a direct relationship with the title of the research, aims and objectives, as well as the research problem. 2 Marks 11) NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH should include the type of research models to be used by the researcher in conducting research. The researcher shall discuss in short tools of data collection, data processing and data presentation on the basis of such research models. It shall include what points/elements/factors/issues, etc. will be studied by the researcher while conducting research. 1 Marks 12) LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH shall include the points/ elements/ factors/ issues, etc. which will NOT be studied by the researcher while conducting research, even though such points/ elements/ factors/ issues, etc. are within the research frame (area). The researcher may discuss limitations as to the data collection, region of applicability, people to be studied, concepts under study, monetary funds, available time and also conceptual limitations, etc. 1 Marks 13) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY shall include in detail the methods proposed to be used (will use/ shall use and NOT used) for data collection, data analysis, data presentation, etc. It should include the type of data collected, sampling techniques, scaling techniques, etc. to be used. 2 Marks 14) LITERATURE REVIEW shall include review of available literature on the research topic. Minimum 3 books, 3 journal articles, 2 news, 2 dictionaries, 2 reports of relevant committees/commissions, 2 laws (enacted Acts, rules, regulations, GRs, circulars, etc.), 2 case laws shall be reviewed. 5 Marks 15) TENTATIVE CHAPTERISATION shall include headings and sub-headings of the proposed chapters. The first and last chapter (headings and sub-headings) shall be the same for all researchers. Minimum five and maximum seven chapters are allowed. Minimum seven headings are compulsory in all chapters, except the last one. Every chapter shall start with “Introduction” and end with “Summary of Chapter” as headings. 2 Marks 16) TENTATIVE REFERENCES shall include references of books, journal articles, news. dictionaries, reports, Acts/bills, etc. proposed to be used during the further research process. The researchers shall strictly follow the SILC citation rules and hanging indentation of 0.5 for the references as shown in the sample.

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