In writing each case, you can follow this format (https://essaypro.com/blog/case-study):
i. Executive Summary. This is almost similar to an abstract. It should be
approximately 400-500 words. Explain what you will examine in the case study.
Write an overview of the field or case you’re researching. Highlight the
problems or issues and sum up the results of your observation in a maximum of
2 sentences.
ii. Background. Do a literature search and review relevant articles related to the
case you will be investigating. It may be journal papers, books, newspaper
articles, online resources, etc. Refer and cite these articles in your write-up,
where appropriate.
Describe the background of the case that you are discussing. Answer the
fundamental questions of what (what is the ethical issue), where (the place it
happens), who (the stakeholders involved), when (the time the incident occurs),
and how (how it happens). Examine and investigate the case or issue/s.
iii. Case Evaluation. Evaluate the case and divide the writing into sections of the
study you want to focus on.
iv. Proposed Solutions. Discuss a realistic solution/s to improve the current
condition/situation. You may want to discuss how to prevent the incident from
happening again in the future.
v. Conclusion and Recommendation. Summarise the main points from the case
evaluation. You may want to reemphasise the solution as a recommendation
with the strategy to implement it.
vi. References. Provide all the citations in your reference list. 10-15 references is
sufficient for each case. More is preferable.