**Please read and follow the prompts. Additionally, there are some comments made by the reviewer directly on the documents. Please fix all errors.The issue we need to resolve is how you will address the “Why” and the “How” for RQ2 and RQ3.RQ2 needs to fully explain WHY these four stress management techniques are the best for lead clergy. Explain why they are specifically useful or recommended for that specific group. Use a few examples/quotes/info from the literature to support your arguments.RQ3 needs to explain HOW you can implement/share/evaluate these strategies. I can see this as citing examples of methods, techniques, activities, that put the strategies into action/practice. What behaviors will the clergy adopt? What actions will they take? What activities will they accomplish? By doing that, you can “evaluate” if they are successfully completing those tasks.Whip something up for me and I will complete the Chap 4 review. Also, remember to incorporate these comments from Dr. Frederick (see below)
- Revise Chapter 4 to match template. If you follow the template (see the descriptions for what to include in each section) I am sure your revision will meet requirements.
- You state that social support is the most effective strategy (in the pie chart), but the figure shows that boundary management is? Reorganize this section (and the table) to discuss the strategies in order of effectiveness (most effective to least).
- Figure 2 goes with RQ1, but is presented with RQ2? RQ is WHY the strategies are effective. Expand this section so you clearly demonstrate a doctoral level analysis of the WHY.
- Similarly, expand the section for RQ3. Propose specific instruments (that have validated psychometric properties).
- Once you expand the sections for RQs 2 and 3 you will likely need to tweak these sections so you are telling a coherent story.
- For the conclusion, end with a reiteration of the findings and a strong conclusion statement and a discussion of what the research has contributed to the body of knowledge. just revise as appropriate.
- Overall Chapter 4 lacks the doctoral level synthesis required.