Since this is an Introduction to Business Class, many students take the class to see if a business career would be a good fit for them

Since this is an Introduction to Business Class, many students take the class to see if a business career would be a good fit for them. Please note that all careers are to be entry level positions. Please uncheck master’s degree and PhD from the requirements as instructed when completing the Focus2 assessment. This would mean that careers such as CEO (chief executive) should not be used as this type of position requires many, many years of work in the corporate world.

This assignment is set so that you can answer the questions as if you are thinking about work, not your personal life. As stated in one of the instruction pages, I answered the questions the first time as if I were filling it out for my personal life. This mean that when I said I enjoyed gardening, I got landscaping as a career and when I said I enjoyed exercising, I got personal trainer as a career. I did not want to do either of these as my life’s career.

Please make sure you start out by explaining your Holland Code and if you feel it is a good fit for you. If you do not feel the Holland Code is a good fit, then retake the test. If you get a tie, either retake the test or look carefully at both options and choose the one you feel fits you best.

Start the paper with a discussion of your Holland Code letters and then a little bit about what each of the letters means.

Then discuss at least three careers that interest you. Please find additional information about the careers from OOH (Occupational Outlook Handbook–A-Z careers), O*NET, and/or Career One Stop and the Focus 2 information. Please only use these sources for your career descriptions and no other sources. Also make sure you have a Reference List of the sources used.

Lastly, choose one career and explain how you will get to the career choice. For example, how you will get there will include things like graduating from DCCC, transferring to a four year school, passing certification exams (for example, the CPA) and perhaps an internship. In the case of an accounting career or other careers, you might have to pass a certification exam (like the CPA) to get a job.

Make sure the paper is completed in APA formatting with no headings, abstract, or other items as this is such a short paper.

If you have an questions about this assignment, please make sure you contact me right away. This will ensure you will have help early to complete the assignment correctly for the best grade.

Since this is a business class and businesses expect employees to turn complete reports, power points and other assigned work in proper formatting, English, grammar, punctuation, and so on in a format that you would be proud to turn in to your manager. I suggest you make an appointment with a writing tutor if you need help.

Career Paper Rubric

This is an assignment all BUS 100 students complete. It fulfills the first objective of the course, which is to explore careers in business. This is an assignment used by the college for assessment of this class. Pease follow the instructions carefully.

Since this is an APA formatted paper, you must have a cover page which includes the following information: Student Name, BUS 100, Career Paper, BUS 100 Tuesday Thursday Class, Professor Johnson

APA format (no MLA) (Cover page required)

An absolute minimum of 3 or more full pages of information (not including cover page or )

Holland Code type

Brief description of Holland Code letters

Holland Code fits you

Career 1 (include name, salary, education, skills, growth potential, etc.)

Career 2 (include name, salary, education, skills, growth potential, etc.)

Career 3 (include name, salary, education, skills, growth potential, etc.)

Closing—how do you get there with the one career you chose from the three that interested you.

Reference Page—includes sources: Use of Focus 2 Careers/Career One Stop/OOH/or O*NET (a minimum of three resources from this list only are to be used for the paper.

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