Theory-Based Research Paper. What causes crime? What are the solutions? These are
fundamental and complex question we ask in the field of criminology.
The goal of your paper is primarily two-fold: (1) identify ONE specific perspective/theory that
explains what causes/contributes to your crime problem (this perspective/theory will serve as
your thesis), and (2) discuss the solutions that are effective and align with your perspective
theory. Your paper will be a synthesis of your scholarly research. For example, you may be
arguing that for juvenile delinquency, social bonding theory explains the problem of juvenile
delinquency. Keep in mind that you are not making up your own theory or coming up with your
own solutions but conducting evaluative research and supporting your thesis with research and/or scholarship (evidence-based best practices). Hence, your theoretical perspective and solutions
will need to be supported by research/scholarship.
Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and approximately 7-8 pages in length. You are
also required to use at least ten sources (7 must be scholarly peer-reviewed sources/academic
journals). Your paper must also be properly cited and include a reference section. You must
use APA format. Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria:
(1) Introduction: Introduce your crime problem (drugs, domestic violence, bias crime,
gangs, etc.). You will need to explain in this section how serious the crime is, the
harms, and the costs. For example, how serious is the impact on society and/or
victims? These statements should be supported by research, statistics, and
appropriately cited. In this section you will also need to introduce your
theory/theoretical perspective and what you will be arguing in the next section.
Minimum 1-page (3 points)
(2) Theoretical perspective/thesis: Explain your theory/theoretical perspective as the
primary cause of your crime problem. Develop the theory in this section. This
section should be supported by research, statistics, and appropriately cited.
Minimum: 2-2.5 pages. (10 points)
(3) Solutions: What are the best solutions for your crime problem? What are the public
policies, laws and/or programs that exist that can reduce your crime problem? You
might include the role of the criminal justice system and/or community-based
programs and non-profits. Your solutions should align/support your theory (thesis).
For example, if you argue that medical addiction is the cause of drug problems, you
should be introducing successful treatment and programs as solutions.
Refer to statistics and research to support the remedy(ies) for your crime problem.
Minimum: 2-2.5 pages (10 points)
(4) Conclusion/Final Discussion: What are your final recommendations based upon your
research and analysis on your crime problem? For example, should more programs
exist and be supported? What research and/or resources are lacking? Minimum 1-
page. (3 points)
(5) Writing/Grammar: Is your paper well-organized, integrated, free from punctuation,
grammar, and spelling errors, etc.? Is your paper properly cited? I highly recommend
that you purchase refer to any one of the numerous writing guides that are available
for purchase or through websites. You can also refer to See
also for plagiarism issues, including related to AI. Refer to additional
handout. (4 points)