this project, think of a situation in business/organization or in your personal
life where you can apply the analysis and tools we learned throughout the
semester to improve or automate decision-making. You can use
functions, pivot table, macros, as well as things beyond what you leaned in the
goal is that application of these tools can help the business/organization to
run more efficiently or effectively. There are two general directions you can
take to achieve this goal:
extract insights from data to help firm improve their operations
or make better decisions,
automate certain operations so that it is easier for users/decision-makers
to search and access information or insights.
can pick one of them or do a hybrid of both.
final submission should include an Excel file with your data and
analysis and a recorded presentation with slides that explain: 1. The
scenario 2. How your analysis/automation help with the business/organization.
am grading your project mainly based on two aspects.
The technical aspect: whether the tools you use is appropriate
for the analysis and the sophistication level of the tools
The business aspect: whether you are solving a meaningful
problem (to aswer the “so what” question)