I need a slideshow with a summary of the chapter and then the last slide should be discussion questions for the class. I also need a summary of the chapter in a handout form separate from the slideshowEach discussion leader will be responsible for providing an introductory lecture (10-15 minutes, no more than 30 words per slide, to be uploaded to shared Google folder) and leading weekly discussion for their assigned reading, during which you will be responsible for summarizing that reading for the class. Following all lectures, the discussion leaders will ask questions and engage the class in discussion about the reading. Your discussion should review the main ideas or points of the reading and outline any problems or weaknesses you see with it. You should also prepare a list of questions to pose to the class about the reading. This will give you experience in providing a brief formal presentation, and you will be responsible for initiating, facilitating, and moderating discussion for the class. The key to leading discussion is to thoroughly know the material, develop discussion questions that spark conversation and others that delve into the heart of the material, and anticipate (or direct) the flow of discussion. For each of your readings, you are required to prepare and bring handouts for the class summarizing or outlining the reading
Rutledge handbook on judicial behavior chapter 7
Slide show Presentation on Rutledge handbook on judicial behavior, chapter 7 summary and discussion questions
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