Foundations of Racialization Assignment: The material covered in this course is heavy and
requires time to process. Therefore, students are encouraged to practice how to synthesize
information and reflect on their learning through a foundations of racialization assignment. To assess this understanding, students will outline how concepts covered in any two of three topics
from Topics 1-3 speak to and with one another. Students are expected to draw on material from
required readings, lectures, AND discussion classes.
This assignment is not meant to summarize the material from class, but instead is meant to show how
students are critically engaging with course materials. Therefore, students are not expected (nor can
they within the wordcount) to discuss material from the readings. Instead, students should articulate what they believe to be the fundamental ways in which elements
from each of these topics can be interwoven to lay the foundation for the course. The assignments
are not assessing how well students memorized the lectures or remembered what was discussed
during discussion periods, but instead assessing how students are able to forge connections across
topics. This assignment should have a minimum of 6 citations (covering 2 of the three topics from
Topics 1-3): 2 required readings and does not require any external sources.
Students have a choice of either submitting the assignment as a 1000–1350-word paper (not
including the reference page, which should be in APA format)
United States, 3rd Edition (pp. 105-136). Routledge.
whiteness: Restoring criticality in critical whiteness studies. Whiteness and Education.
Studies, 53 (2), 115-131. https://doi:10.1353/ces.2021.0011