pecific Requirements:
1. FOLLOW the General Essay Directions carefully (on Canvas, Files): EssayExam.GeneralDirections
2. REVIST Assignments & Expectations (on Canvas, Files): Env.AssignmentsDeadlinesReadings…
3. FOLLOW these Specific Directions carefully.
4. READ or REREAD the assigned readings:
a. King & McCarthy: Ch 10 (Bryson et al: Lead & Gender in Australia)
b. King & McCarthy: Ch 22 (Pellow & Brehm: Total Liberation)
5. READ two news articles on paved roads and piglets – provided below.
a. [Savanna inspired the news article on paved roads in Florida!]
b. REMEMBER: You do not have to agree with assigned academic readings and the assigned news
articles. But you do need to understand the concepts or arguments (presented by the sociologists)
and the contemporary case (the news article).
6. WRITE your essay (double–spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman) and LABEL each step for clarity for
There are six steps for your essay:
• 1: SELECT and SUMMARIZE one of the news articles on piglets or paved roads (provided below) in
your own words [Relatively easy task]
• Use transitions between these steps and explain the connections between each step.
• About half of a page
• 2: IDENTIFY, SELECT & PRESENT ONE QUOTE from EITHER Ch 10 OR Ch 22. Make sure that
the quote captures your understanding of a key point of the chapter in a way that assists you in better
understanding and discussing the news article. Include the quote in “quotation marks” and cite them
with the author’s name, year of publication, and page number. [More challenging task]
• Consider a quote to be about 2–6 sentences that convey and clarify a specific point – that you
believe you can apply or link to the news article.
• For quotes, cite them in–text by: (Author, year: page number). If it is a digital book, then cite
them in–text by: (Author, year: subhead title, digital copy).
• Quotes do not count toward page–length requirements.
how the concept or argument (as presented in the quote, step 2) helps you better understand
sociologically, analytically, or conceptually the news article (the new case). In other words, EXPLAIN
how the quote you selected (that introduces and/or explains a point that has been found through research
1. FOLLOW the General Essay Directions carefully (on Canvas, Files): EssayExam.GeneralDirections
2. REVIST Assignments & Expectations (on Canvas, Files): Env.AssignmentsDeadlinesReadings…
3. FOLLOW these Specific Directions carefully.
4. READ or REREAD the assigned readings:
a. King & McCarthy: Ch 10 (Bryson et al: Lead & Gender in Australia)
b. King & McCarthy: Ch 22 (Pellow & Brehm: Total Liberation)
5. READ two news articles on paved roads and piglets – provided below.
a. [Savanna inspired the news article on paved roads in Florida!]
b. REMEMBER: You do not have to agree with assigned academic readings and the assigned news
articles. But you do need to understand the concepts or arguments (presented by the sociologists)
and the contemporary case (the news article).
6. WRITE your essay (double–spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman) and LABEL each step for clarity for
There are six steps for your essay:
• 1: SELECT and SUMMARIZE one of the news articles on piglets or paved roads (provided below) in
your own words [Relatively easy task]
• Use transitions between these steps and explain the connections between each step.
• About half of a page
• 2: IDENTIFY, SELECT & PRESENT ONE QUOTE from EITHER Ch 10 OR Ch 22. Make sure that
the quote captures your understanding of a key point of the chapter in a way that assists you in better
understanding and discussing the news article. Include the quote in “quotation marks” and cite them
with the author’s name, year of publication, and page number. [More challenging task]
• Consider a quote to be about 2–6 sentences that convey and clarify a specific point – that you
believe you can apply or link to the news article.
• For quotes, cite them in–text by: (Author, year: page number). If it is a digital book, then cite
them in–text by: (Author, year: subhead title, digital copy).
• Quotes do not count toward page–length requirements.
how the concept or argument (as presented in the quote, step 2) helps you better understand
sociologically, analytically, or conceptually the news article (the new case). In other words, EXPLAIN
how the quote you selected (that introduces and/or explains a point that has been found through research