- Location (H, T, Others)
- Work role (R, S, Other)
- Industry (5 different types)
- Earlier Experience (yes, no)
Additionally, it includes questions from the PSSUQ (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire), a standardized 16-statement scale designed to measure perceived usability after task completion. Responses are rated on a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from ‘Strongly Agree’ to ‘Strongly Disagree’. Results can be analyzed through the overall average score of perceived usability (all questions), and also through three subcategories (Lewis & James 1995):
- System Usefulness (SYSUSE): average of questions 1–5
- Information Quality (INFOQUAL): average of questions 7–12
- Interface Quality (INTERQUAL): average of questions 13–15
My goal is to determine which variables correlate with the PSSUQ results (analyzed through the three categories).
I want to test the following hypotheses:
- H1: Location has no impact on the results
- H2: Work role has no impact on the results
- H3: Industry has an impact on the results
- H4: Previous experience has an impact on the results
- H5: There is a difference between the group working in location H in the industry X and the group working in T in the Y (if a difference is found, I want to explore its direction)
- H6: There is a difference between the group working in location H in the industry X and the group working elsewhere in industries other than X (if a difference is found, I want to explore its direction)
- Most respondents may belong to multiple industries, which might prevent me from testing hypotheseH3.
- Hypothesis H5 is critical for my work, but the groups for comparison are small, with only 8 and 5 members respectively.
- I am having trouble forming the variables needed for groups in hypotheses H5 and H6.
The final deliverable should include the results for each hypothesis (it may not be possible to analyze H2-H3), the necessary values, and a descriptive interpretation of the results.
Looking worward to receiving your help.