Strategic Approaches to Information Security Implementation: Navigating the SDLC and Outsourcing Decisions

Key areas this week include the bull’s-eye model for implementing information security and a discussion of whether an organization should outsource each component of security. Change management, program improvement, and additional planning for the business continuity efforts are also discussed. The systems development lifecycle (SDLC) is a methodology for the design and implementation of an information system. 
It consists of the following phases:
  • Investigation
  • Analysis
  • Logical Design
  • Physical Design
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance and Change 
For this assignment, you will select one of the phases you would like to learn more about. Then write a summary of the following:
  • Choice 1: Prepare a justification for why the step is crucial to the SDLC.  
  • Choice 2: Devise an argument that the step could be incorporated into one of the other steps. 
Address the following questions to help determine your position in the summary: 
  1. Why is this stage an important part of the SDLC process? How does it relate to the other phases?
  2. What are some of the key elements of this stage?
  3. Could you justify incorporating this stage into one of the other steps? If so, how? 
Use the following websites, among others to conduct your research: 
Submission Guidelines:
  • Provide a well-structured summary with a minimum of 250-400 words
  • Use a minimum of 2 citations. Use APA citation style for in-text citations.
  • The summary should be well-organized, clear and concise, demonstrating professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Ensure proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. 
Important: To access the submission page and review the grading rubric for your summary, please click on the link for the assignment. Remember that you can only submit your summary once, so it’s recommended to utilize the Plagiarism check available on the Getting Started Page. This tool allows you to check your plagiarism report multiple times for any necessary revisions. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of times you can submit your paper. 

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