In a paper of four to seven text pages in length (not counting title page and if used, reference page) please:
A) Explain why you decided to take this course. (15 points)
B) Discuss what you expect to get out of taking this course. (15 points)
C) Discuss the key influences (i.e. parents, friends/peers, sex education classes or some other means) that you believe shaped your views regarding sex and sexuality and how they did so. ( (40 points)
D)1. Please also address whether you ever have questioned any of your beliefs and understandings regarding sex (15 points)
and if yes
2. if you have ever changed your views? Provide examples as appropriate. (15 points)
To receive maximum points make sure you answer each and every element identified in the outline.
In this paper, there are no expected right or wrong answers just various beliefs that you hold and their rationale. Self-reflection about such important issues may serve to provide you with new insight and opportunities for change and growth. Please only discuss issues you feel comfortable about. Although this paper is meant to be self-reflective and educational what you discuss is entirely up to you.
Please use proper APA formatting for organizing and writing your paper (7th edition of the American Psychological Association manual is the version acceptable)