Tentative structure of paper:
· Introduction: 1) topic introduction; 2) what precisely is the purpose of the Paper (e.g. research question or hypothesis) 3) why is this topic relevant (e.g. controversy in the academic literature; new governmental policy); 4) how is the analysis organized (i.e. the roadmap — section 1, section 2, etc)?
· Theory: 1) explanation of the theoretical framework (advocacy coalition framework); 2) a comprehensive review of the relevant theoretical literature(i.e. justification of why this theory was chosen; and alternative explanations = Multiple Streams framework).
· Case Study: 1) operationalization of the case study (i.e. what is the time frame; what qualifies as empirical evidence; how is it measured?); 2) analysis of the case study in light of theoretical framework.
· Conclusion: 1) brief review of the paper’s argument; 2) response to the paper’s purpose (i.e. answering the research question or assessing the hypothesis = analysis of the theoretical framework’s explanatory potential for the case study and an account of the potential differences between the theoretical framework and the case study); 3) Theoretical and/or practical implications of the paper’s findings (i.e. so what?)
· Full Bibliography: 1) the order must be alphabetical according to the last name of the author; 2) all entries must have been referenced in the paper.
Attached are a draft bibliography and paper proposal + comments.