Summative Assessment: Network Defense Fundamentals Control, Protocols, and Threat reports

Exam Content

  1. Imagine you oversee cybersecurity operations for a major online sales company. It’s imperative that you have the most effective cybersecurity measures available at your disposal. Resolution after an attack has occurred is not a viable solution. So, your job is to make sure an attack never occurs. Recalling the fundamental goals, benefits, challenges, and counter measures you’ve learned so far:

    Create a 2- to 3-page MS-Word report for your company, detailing the following:

    • Identify one potential network threat to your business.
    • Recommend 2 controls or protocols that need to be implemented to defend against attacks and limit the risk you identified for your business.
    • Describe 2 purposes of the controls or protocols you recommended for your business. For each, list 1 example where these controls or protocols were used in businesses. What did they protect against?
    • Discuss 1 significance of using OSI, TCP/IP, and SANS 20 Controls in network protection.
    • Name one control and protocol you find in a security policy.

    Cite any sources to support your assignment.

    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

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