The Topic will be of your choice, an opportunity for students to make short presentations on issues and ideas that they have explored during the module. The presentation should have a clear structure including:
1. The main issue that the presentation will address.
2. Reference to some related evidence from research studies in the field (make reference to at least two related research studies)
3. Implications for meeting children’s needs in schools
4. ConclusionComprehension Analysis Critique Presentation
Demonstrates command of the subject matter including, where appropriate, methodological, technical and scholarship skills
Presents a tightly-focused, relevant and well-structured answer with full and accurate development of concepts/theories, and excellent use of evidence
Understands and evaluates relevant arguments, debates and/or interpretations in a manner that demonstrates a developed capacity for independent thought. This may amount to an extension of existing arguments, debates and /or interpretations
Provides a thorough and consistent deployment of techniques of academic writing with particular reference to structure, referencing/sourcing and spelling/grammar
Riglin, L., Frederickson, N., Shelton, K. H., & Rice, F. (2013). A longitudinal study of psychological functioning and academic attainment at the transition to secondary school. Journal of adolescence, 36(3), 507-517.
Donaldson, C., Moore, G. & Hawkins, J. A Systematic Review of School Transition Interventions to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes in Children and Young People. School Mental Health 15, 19–35 (2023).
Sideropoulos, V., Palikara, O., burchell, e., Ashworth, M., & Van Herwegen, J. (2022, May 11). Anxiety during Transition from Primary to Secondary Schools in Neurodivergent Children., C., Moore, G. & Hawkins, J. A Systematic Review of School Transition Interventions to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes in Children and Young People. School Mental Health 15, 19–35 (2023)., V., Palikara, O., burchell, e., Ashworth, M., & Van Herwegen, J. (2022, May 11). Anxiety during Transition from Primary to Secondary Schools in Neurodivergent Children.‐Knight, T., Shelton, K. H., Riglin, L., Frederickson, N., McManus, I. C., & Rice, F. (2019). ‘Best friends forever’? Friendship stability across school transition and associations with mental health and educational attainment. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(4), 585-599.