I want you to use my sources and add some of your own, but type the link on the bottom. cite your sources using noodletools, and give me in text citations APA format please. I did some of the work, but I need your help to finish it, make it better, respond to these corrections:What kind of a surgery was performed, and when? Did the surgeons publish a paper, or have other papers been published relating to this technology?Maybe add more about the details this headset displays, and why this info makes it such a game changer
This might also be a good place to discuss your image/figureIMaybe add some examples here – ex. would the headset eliminate the need for nurses to count/recount the number of instruments used during an operation?Has there been any data to suggest that it improves patient outcome. What has the outcome been for the patient at JHH, if that info has been published? Maybe also add more info about Augmedics. Is their device experimental or FDA-approved? If not, is it undergoing clinical trials? Has their technology already been used in Israel? What are their plans for future development, regarding both their headset and their company’s US footprint?Includemore sources.Mkae it consise, yet extrmeley specfic, detailed and informative! Please also include some images (these are the steps for citations: All images or tables need:
1) A numbered title (ex. Figure 1: An example of a surgeon’s view …)
2) A caption that has been referenced in the article (ex. The Augmetrics headset provides information on …)
Ex. (author, year) after any important information you learned from that source Cite the organization (ex. Johns Hopkins Medicine) or leave this field blank – don’t just cite a “person”. Make it an exctrmeley interesting and infomative article. Include your soiurces eveyrhwere. I’m in the 11th grade, so please make t extrmeley good as we will be publishing this to Columbia University’s newspaperand professors will be reading this. make it av very professionl article, and include multiple sources, around 5-8. I’ve attached the workd I’ve alraedy done, and my wesbites that I used.